016. Dealing with COVID-19 PTSD – Strategies for Preserving the Nursing Workforce and Supporting all Vital Frontline Personnel: Pt. 2

19 ott 2021 · 57 min. 46 sec.
016. Dealing with COVID-19 PTSD – Strategies for Preserving the Nursing Workforce and Supporting all Vital Frontline Personnel: Pt. 2

How can mission critical outcomes be achieved with the ongoing stress related to COVID-19, as well as other crises on the horizon? This two part podcast series addresses the compelling...

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How can mission critical outcomes be achieved with the ongoing stress related to COVID-19, as well as other crises on the horizon? This two part podcast series addresses the compelling and urgent need for organizations to develop Healthy Workplaces with emphasis on Wellness among the workforce community.

In Part 2 of this two-part episode, Drs. Therese Fitzpatrick, PhD, MS, RN, FAAN, and Nancy M. Valentine, PhD, DSc (hon) MPH, FAAN, FNAP, discuss strategies for developing a wellness program for health care organizations. They address concerns shared by leaders in nursing, medicine, top administration and board members, and present the multifaceted factors associated with the occupational hazards associated with being a health care employee and suggesting an array of specific strategies for program development.

This episode provides extended content from the "Claiming the Corner Office" series in the September/October 2021 issue of Nursing Economic$.

Dr. Therese Fitzpatrick, PhD, MS, RN, FAAN, is a Senior Vice President at Kaufman Hall, and a member of the Performance Improvement Practice specializing in workforce strategy. She is also an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois- Chicago.

Dr. Nancy M Valentine, PhD, DSc (hon) MPH, FAAN, FNAP is President Valentine Group Health, LLC, which focuses on building quality systems and grooming results-oriented leaders using evidence to improve health care in practice and educational settings.

© Jannetti Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. No portion of this podcast may be used without written permission.

To learn more about Nursing Economic$, visit http://www.nursingeconomics.net

Musical selections by Scott Holmes.
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Autore Jannetti Publications, Inc.
Organizzazione Jannetti Publications, Inc.
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