Copertina del podcast

Mr. Deity Presents

  • Shackles Of Americanism

    29 SET 2014 · Mr. Deity presents and old interview with Tupac about the power of names.
    7 min. 32 sec.
  • Salute to Kwame Toure

    27 SET 2014 · Mr. Deity drops the words of Kwame Toure over one of his tracks. Listen, groove, learn, grow, but most importantly ORGANIZE!!!!
    11 min. 40 sec.
  • Strong Sister- Mr. Deity

    18 SET 2014 · Mr. Deity presents a new track and ha2tim make an announcement.
    21 min. 53 sec.

Mr. Deity fresh mixes of old speeches. He strives to bring our ancestors to life on top of the dope beats that he creates, as he runs for his freedom....

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Mr. Deity fresh mixes of old speeches. He strives to bring our ancestors to life on top of the dope beats that he creates, as he runs for his freedom. Stay tune and prepare to hear the ancient voices speak to you through his artistry, the drum and the mouths of our elders, and ancestors.
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