Copertina del podcast

FolkTales For GrownFolks

  • 27 min. 15 sec.
  • 15 min. 30 sec.
  • 15 min. 45 sec.
  • Esplicito

    The Jackyll and the Lion 2

    18 MAR 2013 · Completing my story about hthe Jackyll and the Lion, and why they hate each other.
    18 min. 59 sec.
  • Witch with the Ugly Hat I

    22 MAR 2013 · this is a story that I retell about a prince that goes on an adventure and meets a stranger that assist him on the Journey.
    22 min. 32 sec.
  • Witch With The Ugly Hat II

    31 MAR 2013 · This is a tale retold by myself about King Akoban and his companion Arel. We complete this adventure, and if you like please share.
    29 min. 36 sec.
  • The Monkey and the Crocodile

    31 MAR 2013 · Find out how the monkey out smarts the crocodile.
    18 min. 50 sec.
  • Lost Little Simba

    31 MAR 2013 · This is a story retold by ha2tim about a lost Simba that comes into his adulthood with the help of an elder Simba. This story has been told in many different forms using different animals. I chose to use the Simba because I am part of a organization that uses the Simba as a symbol.
    21 min. 3 sec.
  • Turtle and the swan

    7 APR 2013 · Another story for you checkit out and let me know what you think.
    15 min. 29 sec.
  • "Brother, why you riding that Horse"

    14 APR 2013 · In this story I share why I believe that the system is not broken, but out of date, behind the times, and to slow. Check it out and let me know what you think.
    14 min. 19 sec.

This show was created to introduce the listener to folktales, myths and legends. The story will be told and the lessons will be extracted and discussed. A poetic license has...

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This show was created to introduce the listener to folktales, myths and legends. The story will be told and the lessons will be extracted and discussed. A poetic license has been taken with each story and some will be told in an adult fashion (for those I will post adult content),so be ready to be shocked, and entertained. We are in a new time and although the wisdom is good I have adjusted some of the stories to fit the time. Here is a link to a worksheet to help you define the tales for yourself (copy and paste)
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