14 GEN 2025 · Join Daniel K. Hubin as he reflects on the significance of Christmas and the tradition of Christmas decorations; reads the poems "A Child of the Snows" by G. K. Chesterton and "Journey of the Magi" by T. S. Eliot; reviews the TWSBI Vac Mini fountain pen, the TWSBI Vac Mini ink bottle, the Diamine Black Ivy ink, and the Maruman Mnemosyne notebook line; and recounts the short story "Where Love Is, There God Is Also" by Leo Tolstoy.
- In Defense of Sanity by G. K. Chesterton (https://www.amazon.com/Defense-Sanity-Best-Essays-Chesterton/dp/1586174894/ref=sr_1_1?crid=393VU6H7FQ0QV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QuqC4uHANXQfZzpZIx7fSCqawKfyQURPTC9QPMXOtCcJ8-i_pUUm2t5TIMnIxPpucu0gSoNjfJ9iegk_PIAatwjz9CWhaIE3fPfWgUP-FII7bSOCn9c804YGKekYj7GGR60Q4wmaUt850209d7iW2g.h-dHFpBpMIWJw3oXjT7P081DUzB3_3TFe0a-J6zWS9o&dib_tag=se&keywords=in+defense+of+sanity+chesterton&qid=1736825751&sprefix=in+defense+of+san%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-1) (https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?cm_sp=SearchF-_-topnav-_-Results&ds=20&kn=978-1586174897&sts=t)
- TWSBI Vac Mini fountain pen (https://www.penboutique.com/products/twsbi-fountain-pen-vac-mini-smoke)
- TWSBI Vac 20A ink bottle (https://www.penboutique.com/products/twsbi-ink-bottle-vac-20a)
- Diamine Black Ivy Ink (https://www.penboutique.com/products/diamine-sheen-ink-bottle-red-edition-black-ivy-50-ml)
- Maruman Mnemosyne notebook line (https://www.penboutique.com/collections/vendors?q=Maruman&rb_vendor=Maruman)
Music used for this podcast were taken from public domain recordings of the London Symphony Orchestra and London Philharmonic Choir performing Handel's Messiah in 1950. "Comfort ye my people" was used for the introductory music; "If God be for us" was used for the transitional music; and "The trumpet shall sound" was used for the closing music.