3 NOV 2024 · Lesson 10 Nov. 3, 2024 Fall Qt. 2024 Unit lll: "Psalms of Thanksgivingand praise" Dev. Reading: John 10:1-10 BG: Ps. 23; John 10:11-14 Print: Ps.23 Key Verse (Ps 23:6,: 5, KJV) SUBJECT "When The Road Is Long" God willing! Join us For Sunday School Nov. 3. 2024 6AM God willing. Howcee Productions Gospel "Bringing Families Communities and Churches Together" God is so Good!!! #HOWCEE Key Verse Psalms 23:6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. “Surely goodness and love shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6) David ends this incredible Psalm by painting a picture of how God’s goodness and love (Hebrew word: hesed) will go with him for the rest of his life. God’s relationship with his people is like that of a shepherd to his sheep. He provides what is best for them, refreshes them continually, and guides them in the way that he knows is right. In so doing he proves himself faithful to his own nature as the covenant God of his chosen people (1-3). Despite God’s provision and guidance, there will be dangers along the way. But as a shepherd uses his club (rod) to beat off wild animals, and his crook (staff) to rescue the troubled sheep, so will God care for his people (4). Wild animals may surround them, but they can feed in safety under the protection of the heavenly shepherd. In view of God’s provision of the best food for those in his care, the picture changes from the divine shepherd to the divine host. God gives special attention to his guests, just as a host in ancient times gave special honour to a guest by anointing his head with oil. The guests in God’s house, however, never have to leave. They are with him for ever (5-6).