The Garden City podcast, hosted by Derek Releford, is a show that offers an intimate look into the lives of Garden City residents, both past and present. Garden City is...
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The Garden City podcast, hosted by Derek Releford, is a show that offers an intimate look into the lives of Garden City residents, both past and present. Garden City is a small city in Kansas, known for its unique history and charming community. The podcast aims to capture the essence of the city through conversations with people who have lived and worked there. Each episode features a different guest, who shares their personal experiences of living in Garden City. These guests come from all walks of life, from longtime residents to those who have recently moved to the area. Through their stories, listeners can gain insight into the city's history, culture, and the sense of community that makes it so special. Derek Releford, the host of the podcast, is a skilled interviewer who draws out the unique perspectives and experiences of his guests. He asks thoughtful questions and encourages his guests to share their personal stories in their own words. The result is a show that is both informative and engaging, with a real sense of warmth and community. To support the Garden City podcast, listeners can visit, where they can make a donation to help cover the costs of producing the show. By supporting the podcast, listeners are helping to preserve the stories and memories of Garden City and its residents, ensuring that they are passed down to future generations.
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Garden City Podcast
Garden City Podcast
20 GIU 2023 · "KBI in cooperation with Finney County Sheriffs Department served a search warrant at 600 Telegram Ave, Wednesday, June 14th in Garden City. The search warrant is in connection with the disappearance of AJ Perez. Alexander, Ulysses, KS was reported missing December 1, 2020. At this time no human remains have been found." - Sunflower State of Mind FB Page (like and follow this page)
Flyer provided by Ricky Tebrugge of Kansas Missing & Unsolved (like and follow this page)
22 MAR 2023 · Welcome to the Garden City Podcast, where host Derek Releford sits down with Deerfield, Kansas native, Buck Reist, to chat about his life. Buck spent his youth in the Garden City area and in the early 2000s was the singer of the most popular band in town, Firesquad. With the band able to draw 500+ people to local shows, things were looking great. But Buck was over it and decided to go solo.
Now in 2023, Buck is a tattoo artist in eastern Kansas, a father, and he still is a singer and songwriter. He now fronts the band "Sloppy But Lucky," who just released their second album "Four Leaf Failure," which you can find on Spotify. In this Back Home Media exclusive, Buck talks about his past, present, and future. He shares his journey from being a successful musician to becoming a tattoo artist and raising a family.
If you're a fan of great conversation and interesting life stories, you won't want to miss this episode. Tune in to the Garden City Podcast and hear Buck Reist's inspiring story. Be sure to check out to learn more and visit to support Derek and his amazing podcast.
24 GIU 2022 · Local garden city resident Jessie discusses with loss of her father with Stephanie Releford.
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20 GIU 2022 · I talk with local resident Allison about her mental health.
17 GIU 2022 · Joey Irsik talks working in local radio.
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13 GIU 2022 · A look back to my 2015 interview with Brian Nelson. We focused on his involvement with saving the Windsor.
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10 GIU 2022 · Steph Releford chats with GC native, Meredith Owings about the loss of her mom.
6 GIU 2022 · I talk with long time Garden City resident about mental illness.
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2 GIU 2022 · Michael Radke was a GCPD (KS) Police officer for 21 years. He has been a school teacher for the last 4 years. He has dealt with the weight of the trauma he was part of while an officer. Over the years he has found healthy coping mechanism's to help get through each day.
This is his story.
24 MAG 2022 · Son of Brian and Ramona McCallum, Noah was born in Topeka and quickly moved to GC after his father found work in the area. This is his story.
The Garden City podcast, hosted by Derek Releford, is a show that offers an intimate look into the lives of Garden City residents, both past and present. Garden City is...
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The Garden City podcast, hosted by Derek Releford, is a show that offers an intimate look into the lives of Garden City residents, both past and present. Garden City is a small city in Kansas, known for its unique history and charming community. The podcast aims to capture the essence of the city through conversations with people who have lived and worked there. Each episode features a different guest, who shares their personal experiences of living in Garden City. These guests come from all walks of life, from longtime residents to those who have recently moved to the area. Through their stories, listeners can gain insight into the city's history, culture, and the sense of community that makes it so special. Derek Releford, the host of the podcast, is a skilled interviewer who draws out the unique perspectives and experiences of his guests. He asks thoughtful questions and encourages his guests to share their personal stories in their own words. The result is a show that is both informative and engaging, with a real sense of warmth and community. To support the Garden City podcast, listeners can visit, where they can make a donation to help cover the costs of producing the show. By supporting the podcast, listeners are helping to preserve the stories and memories of Garden City and its residents, ensuring that they are passed down to future generations.
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