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Blended Families Ministry

    Welcome to the Blended Families Ministry™ website. We are pleased you have come to visit us. We are dedicated to the restoration and reconciliation of blended families. We offer curriculum...

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    Welcome to the Blended Families Ministry™ website. We are pleased you have come to visit us. We are dedicated to the restoration and reconciliation of blended families. We offer curriculum for individual and group study that is certified for credit at the Phoenix University of Theology. We also have several pages on Facebook available for the discussion of specific issues you may have relating to Blended Family.

    Welcome to the Blended Families Ministry™ We are pleased you have come to visit us. We are dedicated to the restoration and reconciliation of blended families. We offer curriculum for individual and group study that is certified for credit at the Phoenix University of Theology. We also have several pages on Facebook available for the discussion of specific issues you may have relating to Blended Families
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