
You are the Light of the World - Joining with the Master Teacher's Teachings (61 - LAST Episode)

9 lug 2024 · 1 h 1 min. 15 sec.
You are the Light of the World - Joining with the Master Teacher's Teachings (61 - LAST Episode)

We are sharing in this episode of this direct meeting with Master Teacher the video presentation of the "I Am The Light Of The World" from The Cellular Mind Training...

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We are sharing in this episode of this direct meeting with Master Teacher the video presentation of the "I Am The Light Of The World" from The Cellular Mind Training Series, in which He offers us to accept a new beginning with the release of the past in the acceptance of our true Identity. He guides us through these essential lessons which bring forth the Power of our Mind, because it is the Power of Light within you, all of us. We are looking at the mind's resurrecting thoughts that transcend every idea of death. ◊ We are using the second part of the Master Teacher's video CMT-02a -- "I Am The Light Of The World, Lessons 61 - 63, In Which We Continue Our Creative Self-Identity" -

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Autore Voice From Heaven
Organizzazione Voice From Heaven
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