
Why do I always look tired? [Shannon O'Brien, MD, Portland]

29 nov 2024 · 5 min. 52 sec.
Why do I always look tired? [Shannon O'Brien, MD, Portland]

Eyes are key to connection, but aging can make them look unintentionally sad, tired, and angry. Portland plastic surgeon Dr. Shannon O’Brien breaks down the reasons this procedure is so...

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Eyes are key to connection, but aging can make them look unintentionally sad, tired, and angry. Portland plastic surgeon Dr. Shannon O’Brien breaks down the reasons this procedure is so popular.

She explains how puffiness and shadows can make the eyes look tired, how sun damage adds to the problem, and why sagging upper eyelids can be dangerous.


Read more about Portland plastic surgeon Dr. Shannon O'Brien

Follow Dr. O'Brien's practice on Instagram @portlandplasticsurgerygroup

To learn more about Dr. Shannon O'Brien, listen to her episode of Meet The Doctor

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