Who The Trans Episode 3! The Giggle

8 lug 2024 · 47 min. 47 sec.
Who The Trans Episode 3! The Giggle

To tide you all over until July 15th, we present Who The Trans?! Episode 3: The Giggle The final episode of the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special dropped on December...

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To tide you all over until July 15th, we present Who The Trans?! Episode 3: The Giggle The final episode of the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special dropped on December 9th 2023. It went in a creepy direction and had a twist at the end…  Listen in to hear Alyx and Ben's thoughts on this episode of Doctor Who, in Who The Trans?! This episode was released last year as part of our Patreon rewards. If you'd like to receive bonus content like this as it happens, subscribe to our Patreon where we've made an episode for each instalment of the most recent series of Doctor Who. https://www.patreon.com/Whatthetrans  
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