USP 84: Charlie Raymond | Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization
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USP 84: Charlie Raymond | Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization
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Universal Secrets #84 - show date 7.23.2024 Tiffany and Kevin 'spill the secrets' with Charlie Raymond - Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization. Lots of Bigfoot and Cryptid talk tonight. About KBRO:...
mostra di piùTiffany and Kevin 'spill the secrets' with Charlie Raymond - Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization. Lots of Bigfoot and Cryptid talk tonight.
About KBRO:
The Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization (KBRO) is a non-kill research group which seeks to prove the existence of, and protect of, these magnificent creatures. Our purpose is to document all credible Bigfoot sightings in Kentucky. Our mission is to obtain a database as to monitor population density and behavioral patterns for all reported Kentucky Bigfoot encounters. We believe Bigfoot to be a yet-to-be classified, unidentified hominin. Our main goal is to acquire enough evidence to establish laws in Kentucky to protect these hominins and their habitat. To determine authenticity, credit is given to each source and witnesses are contacted whenever possible.
Charlie Raymond - Founder & Investigator:
He founded the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization in 1997 to document all credible Bigfoot encounters in Kentucky. For over three decades he has interviewed countless witnesses, conducted investigations and held expeditions in the hopes of one day proving their existence. He believes Bigfoot to be a "flesh and blood" unidentified hominin, very closely related to humans. One day he hopes to establish laws in Kentucky to protect these magnificent creatures. Charlie is also a BFRO Investigator for Kentucky.
@TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423
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Autore | Kevin Hale Media |
Organizzazione | Kevin Hale Media |
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