
UNF*CK Psychotherapy

18 giu 2024 · 30 min. 17 sec.
UNF*CK Psychotherapy

The psychotherapeutic process is one which has many intrigued and curious about the inner workings of the therapist, the patient and all that it involves. What happens behind those closed...

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The psychotherapeutic process is one which has many intrigued and curious about the inner workings of the therapist, the patient and all that it involves. What happens behind those closed doors? Is it jus someone listening to you or more then that? How does it all work? Is there some method to the madness as some would describe? And how does our favorite psychoanalyst from The Sopranos measure up?

Get a sneak peak from the perspective of "the client" and the "psychotherapist" as Anita Astley shares her perspective, having sat on both sides of the couch, in addition to adressing questions and comments from her listeners and social media followers. Support the Show.Follow Anita Astley, M.ED. LMFT psychotherapist and author, at ask_anita_astley and on Instagram, Facebook, ask Anita Astley on YOUTUBE, ask Anita Astley on twitter. Check out Anita's website at

Order your copy of Anita' Astley's book today on Amazon
"Unf*ck Your Life and Relationships"
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