TSP066 - The Hippo and The Oxpecker: Repairing the synapses of community.

15 ott 2018 · 28 min. 18 sec.
TSP066 - The Hippo and The Oxpecker: Repairing the synapses of community.

From the Humongous Fungus of Oregon to the wave of human migration spreading across our planet, life has become more dependent then ever on the value of connectivity. Duration -...

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From the Humongous Fungus of Oregon to the wave of human migration spreading across our planet, life has become more dependent then ever on the value of connectivity.

Duration - 28:19

VoxBox: Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web.

  • Importance of connection and continuity in communities
  • Symbiotic relationship between a hippo and an oxpecker
  • Interconnectedness of nature and the humongous fungus
  • Role of storytelling in communities
  • Challenges of technology, including software updates and lack of compatibility
  • Concept of open source technology
  • Impact of social media on global connectivity and individual isolation
  • Power of art to connect people universally
  • Relationships and the need for flexibility and acceptance
  • Recognizing global interconnectedness in relation to climate change
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Autore Peter Noce & Harry Posner
Organizzazione Peter Noce & Harry Posner
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