
Transformation with plant based Ep 25

21 gen 2024 · 12 min. 52 sec.
Transformation with plant based Ep 25

In this episode you will learn: The 3 phases to changes that will take place when following a plant-based diet protocol. Why your digestive system thrives from eating the recommended...

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In this episode you will learn:

The 3 phases to changes that will take place when following a plant-based diet protocol.

Why your digestive system thrives from eating the recommended amounts of 25 - 35 grams of dietary fiber daily.

How will you feel as the hormone levels rebound to normal levels?

Miles Beccia is a best-selling author of 48 Hour Fat Burn Solution and founder of M3 Fit. His training and education in strength and conditioning, nutrition and health education, sports performance, and recovery informed his holistic approach. He lives with his wife, Brittany, and their children in Phoenix, AZ.

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