
TIPS by Peel Crime Stoppers - Epi 59 - Former Police Chief, Devon Clunis

22 ott 2024 · 49 min. 25 sec.
TIPS by Peel Crime Stoppers - Epi 59 - Former Police Chief, Devon Clunis

Brendan Lang has Devon Clunis on the program who is the former police chief with the Winnipeg Police and the first black police chief in Canada. He talks about his...

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Brendan Lang has Devon Clunis on the program who is the former police chief with the Winnipeg Police and the first black police chief in Canada. He talks about his experience rising through the ranks in the police service. 
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Autore NEWSTALK Sauga 960 AM
Organizzazione NEWSTALK Sauga 960 AM
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