Thy #Redeemer #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt152 on Battle Lines

2 dic 2022 · 1 h 2 sec.
Thy #Redeemer #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt152 on Battle Lines

Thy Redeemer challenges the notion that there is no God, nor #Hope, nor #Eternal #Redemption. Herein, we find the example of Judah and with it glimpses of the #Messiah as...

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Thy Redeemer challenges the notion that there is no God, nor #Hope, nor #Eternal #Redemption. Herein, we find the example of Judah and with it glimpses of the #Messiah as well. For it was to Judah, which given the #Word of the #LORD through Isaiah that told the whole of the people the truth. To them it was said "for your #iniquities have ye sold yourselves." They would lose their land, promises, and #Jerusalem as Babylon would carry them away in bondage for 70 years. God did not put them away for no other reason than their transgressions and the failure of the people to #repent and turn wholly to the #GodofIsrael. #ThyRedeemer

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