The Wise Leopard King, “Agu na eche mba” Part 2

17 mar 2023 · 7 min. 17 sec.
The Wise Leopard King, “Agu na eche mba” Part 2

On our last episode, I was telling you about Agu na eche Mba and the great battle that is about to shake the animal kingdom. I am sure you want...

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On our last episode, I was telling you about Agu na eche Mba and the great battle that is about to shake the animal kingdom. I am sure you want to know who won, I will tell you, don’t worry.
The kingdom had a land, air and water force of over 15 thousand beasts, birds, and reptiles. The Leopard King gave the signal for the battle drums and trumpets to be sounded. And so, 15 thousand strong male and female of the kings Army matched out unto the valley of Ugwu Ocha to meet Odum the lion and his allies in battle.
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Autore Africa Business Radio
Organizzazione Africa Business Radio
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