The Stories We Make Up | 29

21 mar 2019 · 18 min. 20 sec.
The Stories We Make Up |  29

We make up stories about ourselves and others every day all day. For the most part these stories are untrue and can cause disconnection. In this Chai Talk we discuss...

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We make up stories about ourselves and others every day all day. For the most part these stories are untrue and can cause disconnection. In this Chai Talk we discuss why our brains are wired to make up stories, how to stop the process, and how to choose compassion over shame. We tie story-making into healing family relationships so that we are in charge of the story instead of allowing the story to divide. Enjoy!
Special mention: "Rising Strong" by Dr. Brené Brown, Phd, LMSW
Music: Jessica Martindale
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Autore Jennifer Padilla-Burger
Organizzazione Jennifer Padilla-Burger
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