
The Real Price of War with Norman Solomon

19 lug 2023 · 14 min. 43 sec.
The Real Price of War with Norman Solomon

Norman Solomon is the author of more than a dozen books on media, politics, and foreign policy. He’s the founder of the Institute for Public Accuracy and national director of...

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Norman Solomon is the author of more than a dozen books on media, politics, and foreign policy. He’s the founder of the Institute for Public Accuracy and national director of the online organization RootsAction. For 17 years, he wrote the weekly syndicated column Media Beat, which appeared in major newspapers across the country. Norman has written for the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Nation, and many other newspapers and magazines. His new book, War Made Invisible, is receiving widespread praise. In a starred review, Kirkus Reviews called it “a powerful, necessary indictment of efforts to disguise the human toll of American foreign policy.”
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Autore 1011 The Beat (WUBT-FM)
Organizzazione iHeartRadio
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