
The power of high-impact tutoring with EQPD Learning+How National Night Out connects police and neighborhoods(08-04-24)

3 ago 2024 · 28 min. 23 sec.
The power of high-impact tutoring with EQPD Learning+How National Night Out connects police and neighborhoods(08-04-24)

On this week's program, host Phil Tower welcomes Amirah Vosburgh, CEO of EQPD, formerly known as K12connect. EQPD is a non-profit organization committed to providing high-impact tutoring, tailored professional development,...

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On this week's program, host Phil Tower welcomes Amirah Vosburgh, CEO of EQPD, formerly known as K12connect. EQPD is a non-profit organization committed to providing high-impact tutoring, tailored professional development, and efficient program management to ensure students, families, and schools have the resources they need to thrive.  Amirah told us that Michigan’s education system was recently ranked 42 in the nation regarding student performance and success.  EQPD was created to offer personalized high-impact tutoring programs that cater to each student’s needs. The program also offers weekly progress check-ins and ongoing professional development opportunities. They serve 2,800 students and are growing.. To date, EQPD has employed more than 1,500 tutors from 95 colleges and universities across the country. They work with families, schools, and districts across Michigan, with plans to expand services to other states nationwide. 

Online: EQPD 

In the second half of our program,  Phil talks with Julie Niemchick, crime prevention coordinator with the Grand Rapids Police Department. On Tuesday, August 6th, many neighborhoods throughout Grand Rapids and throughout Michigan are hosting family-friendly National Night Out (NNO) events to foster a spirit of community and raise awareness of crime prevention efforts.  Julie joined us to discuss the impact of National Night Out in West Michigan, especially with the many participating neighborhood groups throughout Grand Rapids. The Grand Rapids Police and Fire departments and city leadership will visit many of these events throughout the evening. Residents throughout the community are encouraged to turn on outside lights and spend time outdoors on porches, lawns, and sidewalks to connect with neighbors and participate in organized neighborhood events. The goals of National Night Out are to encourage neighbors to spend time together in fun and positive ways to build community, raise awareness of crime prevention programs and the role everyone has in keeping our community safe, learn about the many ways city departments and community-based partners contribute to safe communities; strengthen positive community and police relationships and show neighborhood unity in fighting crime and creating a safe community for all.

Online: National Night Out Grand Rapids
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