
The Orphan Boy and the Magic Stone

19 lug 2023 · 7 min. 1 sec.
The Orphan Boy and the Magic Stone

Once upon a time, a chief had a son whose mother had died at his birth. The old chief was a hunter and used to take his son out with...

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Once upon a time, a chief had a son whose mother had died at his birth. The old chief was a hunter and used to take his son out with him when he went into the bush.
He used to do most of his hunting in the long grass that grows over nearly all the Inde country and used to kill plenty of bushbuck in the dry season. In those days the people had no guns, so the chief had to shoot everything he got with his bow and arrows, which required a lot of skill. When his little son was old enough, he gave him a small bow and some small arrows and taught him how to shoot.
The son met an old woman who was so ugly that he thought she must be a witch. The old woman took him to a stream some little distance from the lake, and bending down, took out a small shining stone from the water, which she gave to him.
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Autore Africa Business Radio
Organizzazione Africa Business Radio
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