
The John Kobylt Show Hour 3 (12/02) - Hunter Biden Pardon Impact

3 dic 2024 · 34 min. 48 sec.
The John Kobylt Show Hour 3 (12/02) - Hunter Biden Pardon Impact

Dr. John Eastman comes on the show to talk about Hunter Biden being pardon by his father Pres. Biden. A special emergency session is happening in Sacramento where Gavin Newsom...

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Dr. John Eastman comes on the show to talk about Hunter Biden being pardon by his father Pres. Biden. A special emergency session is happening in Sacramento where Gavin Newsom wants the legislature to approve spending of money that the state of California does not have. Mexican people are now being called xenophobic because they are against illegal immigration from other Central and South American countries into Mexico as they try to get to the US. More on Hunter Biden being pardoned by his father Pres. Biden. See for privacy information.
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