
The IE Wrestling Show- Episode 80

26 set 2024 · 2 h 12 min. 59 sec.
The IE Wrestling Show- Episode 80

Catch the latest in professional wrestling with The SoCal Saint. IESR Disclaimer: Unless specifically stated otherwise, the views and opinions of hosts, guests, callers, and sponsors expressed on all IE...

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Catch the latest in professional wrestling with The SoCal Saint.

IESR Disclaimer:
Unless specifically stated otherwise, the views and opinions of hosts, guests, callers, and sponsors expressed on all IE Sports Radio shows broadcast are entirely those of the hosts, guests, callers, and sponsors, who are entirely responsible for all show content, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of IE Sports Radio or its staff. These broadcasts are presented and made public AS ENTERTAINMENT, in the hope that they will be entertaining to the audience.

Theme Music: Drill Strings Music Provided by Infractions Video link:
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Autore IE Sports Radio
Organizzazione IE Sports Radio
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