
The Fisherman and His Wife - Bedtime Stories for Kids in English

19 gen 2024 · 11 min. 10 sec.
The Fisherman and His Wife - Bedtime Stories for Kids in English

A kind-hearted fisherman who loves his wife one day catches an unusual golden fish. It is said that fish grant wishes, but his wife's selfishness escalates. He was a fisherman...

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A kind-hearted fisherman who loves his wife one day catches an unusual golden fish. It is said that fish grant wishes, but his wife's selfishness escalates. He was a fisherman who gave his wife everything she wanted and wished for her happiness, but is that true happiness? Can the fisherman and his wife regain their happy lives?

The story revolves around a fisherman and his discontented wife. When the fisherman catches a talking golden flounder, it reveals itself as a prince under a spell. The wife, unsatisfied, demands bigger and grander things, escalating from a house to a palace and eventually a desire to control time. The fish fulfills each wish, but as the wife's demands become insatiable, she loses everything, ending up ruling time above the clouds, separated from the fisherman. Realizing the value of their simple life, the fisherman wishes for his wife's happiness, and they return to their humble cottage, finding joy in the little things.

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Autore Vivek Gupta
Organizzazione Vivek Gupta
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