
The Death Of Journalism Episode One Hundred Seventy: The Grand Delusion

9 lug 2024 · 45 min. 26 sec.
The Death Of Journalism Episode One Hundred Seventy: The Grand Delusion

We've never done this before but Zig really felt he needed to devote this entire episode to the state of the 2024 presidential race post debate. Monday morning saw Joe...

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We've never done this before but Zig really felt he needed to devote this entire episode to the state of the 2024 presidential race post debate. Monday morning saw Joe Biden calling into his favorite show to deliver the message he'd already put out in writing - "I ain't going anywhere" (0:00-15:15). Why the ABC George Stephanopoulos interview settled nothing but we did find out that even the Lord Almighty might have trouble getting Joe to back out (15:15-42:50). Zig makes his strongest case yet that Biden is actually struggling with Parkinson's Disease (43:00-1:00:00). Fauci once again proves what a fraud he is (1:00:00-1:02:00). Joe Biden - the honest man of character (1:08:00-1:18:00). Kamala's 19th trip to image rehab (1:18:00-1:30:00). What's really going on with the media (1:30:00-1:50:00) and Is there a way out (1:50:00-2:09:00).
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