The Blood Moon

9 nov 2022 · 1 min. 14 sec.
The Blood Moon

Hi! I’m Gail Nobles, and you’re listening to the Jasper Lines. The Bible said that the sun shall be turned into darkness in the book of Joel 2:31. It gets...

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Hi! I’m Gail Nobles, and you’re listening to the Jasper Lines. The Bible said that the sun shall be turned into darkness in the book of Joel 2:31. It gets darker earlier in the evening. Sometimes it seems like it does more and more.

And the Bible said the moon would turn into blood. It sounds like light in the sun & moon will fail. I suppose the moon will have a blood - like appearance.

According to the book of Genesis, God made the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. According to Amos 5:18, the day of the Lord is darkness. And the day of the Lord seems to be getting near.
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Autore Gail L. Nobles
Organizzazione Gail L. Nobles
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