
Test muscle strength on kinetic chain EP 19

6 apr 2023 · 11 min. 42 sec.
Test muscle strength on kinetic chain  EP 19

The Power of Muscle podcast shares motivating insights, proven tactics, and inspiring stories from professionals and experts in longevity, sports performance, health science, and fitness to advance your breakthrough and...

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The Power of Muscle podcast shares motivating insights, proven tactics, and inspiring stories from professionals and experts in longevity, sports performance, health science, and fitness to advance your breakthrough and unlock your potential.

Life is long, so stay strong.

Here is a glance at what you'll find in this episode:

Hear how muscle function can become out of balance and what are steps to take to regain muscle balance.

What can be done to test your muscle control and improve your mind-muscle connection?

Learn about the kinetic chain of body movement to move better with fewer injuries.

Listen to the weight training and strength workouts repetition range for gaining muscle tone and mass.

For more information about stretching and recovery click the link to the article below,

If you'd like access to tactics, resources, and skills to help you take action on what is talked about, please visit:
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Autore Mind Muscle Memory
Organizzazione Mind Muscle Memory
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