Talking Food and Drink Packaging with Sunil Sarwal of The Small Monsters

28 mar 2023 · 7 min. 43 sec.
Talking Food and Drink Packaging with Sunil Sarwal of The Small Monsters

In this episode of Sound Bites I discuss the impact packaging can have on a craft food and drink brand with Sunil Sarwal, the creative force behind The Small Monsters....

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In this episode of Sound Bites I discuss the impact packaging can have on a craft food and drink brand with Sunil Sarwal, the creative force behind The Small Monsters. The Small Monsters, is just that, a small but might branding agency that is responsible for some pretty fantastic packaging. In my last episode of Sound Bites, I interviewed Deb Coleman of Libra non-alcoholic beer, a brand that Sunil just happened to work on. As I discovered crafting the liquid is just one part of crafting the story of a great food and drink brand.
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