
Survivor's Hope: Rediscovering Strength Amidst Ruins

3 ago 2024 · 16 min. 24 sec.
Survivor's Hope: Rediscovering Strength Amidst Ruins

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

12 min. 39 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Survivor's Hope: Rediscovering Strength Amidst Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Rhoddodd y haul haf olau aur dros...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Survivor's Hope: Rediscovering Strength Amidst Ruins
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Rhoddodd y haul haf olau aur dros y dinasoedd adfeiliedig.
En: The summer sun cast golden light over the ruined cities.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn sefyll yn dawel o flaen ysgol ei blentyndod yng Nghaerdydd.
En: Rhys stood quietly in front of his childhood school in Cardiff.

Cy: Safai blociau concrid wedi chwalu o'i amgylch, llwyni gwyllt yn tyfu drwy'r llawr crac.
En: Around him lay crumbled concrete blocks, with wild bushes growing through the cracked floor.

Cy: Gwaeddodd yr adar yn uchel uwch ei ben.
En: Birds cried loudly overhead.

Cy: Eiliad heddychlon mewn byd wedi ei lyncu gan trychineb.
En: A peaceful moment in a world swallowed by disaster.

Cy: Cyn y syrthiodd popeth, roedd y lle hwn yn llawn cerddoriaeth a chwerthin.
En: Before everything fell, this place was full of music and laughter.

Cy: Nawr, nid oedd yma ddim ond murell a lleuaf.
En: Now, there was nothing but rubble and silence.

Cy: Yn ei ddwylo gafaelai Rhys frwyn ac roedd ei galon yn torri.
En: In his hands, Rhys clutched a reed, and his heart was breaking.

Cy: Roedd colli popeth mor annisgwyl.
En: Losing everything had been so unexpected.

Cy: Roedd anwadalwch yr adeilad yn amlwg, pob cam yn cwympo llwch.
En: The instability of the building was evident, every step causing dust to fall.

Cy: Roedd pethau’n gallu cwympo unrhyw eiliad, ond roedd yn rhaid iddo gadw i fynd.
En: Things could collapse at any moment, but he had to keep moving.

Cy: Trodd i wynebu'r coridor duong, ei olygon yn hollti rhwng yr hen ddrysau cofrodd.
En: He turned to face the dark corridor, his eyes darting between the old, familiar doors.

Cy: Roedd un ystafell yn denu ei sylw, un ystafell oedd yn llawn cofion purion.
En: One room caught his attention, a room filled with pure memories.

Cy: 'Doedd dim troi’n ôl bellach.
En: There was no turning back now.

Cy: Wrth agosáu at y drws, roedd y llawr yn crynu isod ei draed.
En: As he approached the door, the floor trembled beneath his feet.

Cy: Ond cerddodd ymlaen, gan gredu y byddai'n dod o hyd i rywbeth gwerthfawr.
En: But he kept walking, believing he would find something valuable.

Cy: Dywedodd ei galedr – dylaist beidio.
En: His mind whispered – you shouldn’t.

Cy: Stopiodd o flaen yr ystafell gelf.
En: He stopped in front of the art room.

Cy: Yr un lle y bu'n paentio lluniau lliwgar ac yn creu straeon gyda'i ffrindiau.
En: The same place where he used to paint colorful pictures and create stories with his friends.

Cy: Agorodd y drws yn araf a dyna'r ddaear yn crio o dan ei bwysau.
En: He opened the door slowly, and the ground cried under his weight.

Cy: Cerddodd i mewn, ei feddwl llawn gobaith a pherygl.
En: He walked in, his mind full of hope and danger.

Cy: Roedd hen dablau wedi troi’n llwch, ac ar y llawr woodland roedd dwylo’n dal lluniau wedi eu torri.
En: Old tables had turned to dust, and on the wooden floor, hands were holding broken drawings.

Cy: Yn sydyn, gwelodd lyfr hen gyfarch.
En: Suddenly, he saw an old book.

Cy: Eiliad arall ac roedd holl eraill ystafell yn cwympo.
En: Another moment, and the entire room was collapsing.

Cy: Dal ei anadl a rhedodd am lyfr bach hwnnw.
En: Holding his breath, he ran for that small book.

Cy: Ei ddyddiadur ysgol.
En: His school diary.

Cy: Roedd y cloriau'n llafn a'r tudalennau'n gwegian wrth iddo ei agor.
En: The covers were torn, and the pages creaked as he opened it.

Cy: Roedd sgwennu o'r plant Rhys yn y tudalennau - cofnodion byd sydd fwy i ffwrdd bellach.
En: There were writings from Rhys as a child – records of a world now far away.

Cy: Digon hiraeth, ond goroesodd eiliad hwnnw.
En: A mix of nostalgia, but he survived that moment.

Cy: Safodd Rhys, teimlo gobaith newydd.
En: Rhys stood, feeling a new hope.

Cy: Penderfynodd fwy hiraeth, cuddiwyd mewn geiriau bach, all yffurfio'i nerth.
En: He decided that more longing, hidden in small words, would shape his strength.

Cy: Wrth adael y cofnodion a cherdded tuag at y dyfodol, roedd llyfr hwnnw'n sanctaidd i Rhys.
En: Leaving the memories and walking towards the future, that book became sacred to Rhys.

Cy: Roedd y profiad wedi cuddio ond również datgelu at fywyd newydd, gobaith mewn digaledi'r amgylch.
En: The experience had both hidden and revealed a new life, hope amidst desolation.

Cy: Nawr, byddai ei gobaith - fel y dyddiad hyf – yn byw.
En: Now, his hope - like the bright day - would live on.

Cy: Roedd wedi goroesi'r gorffennol ac wedi troi'r dudalen newydd.
En: He had survived the past and turned a new page.

Cy: Roedd Rhys, byth fwy na goroeswr wedi troi'n archarwr o'r hen eto fel newydd.
En: Rhys, no longer just a survivor, had become a hero of the old and now the new.

Cy: Roedd e’n barod am y dyfodol.
En: He was ready for the future.

Cy: A dyna ni, daeth yr haul eto, lle roedd y ddoe wedi trechu, ond y fory'n dechrau'n newydd.
En: And there it was, the sun rose again, where yesterday had triumphed, but tomorrow began anew.

Vocabulary Words:
  • ruined: adfeiliedig
  • crumbled: chwalu
  • overhead: uwch ei ben
  • swallowed: lyniysu
  • disaster: trychineb
  • rubble: murell
  • clutched: gafaelai
  • breaking: torri
  • instability: anwadalwch
  • evident: amlwg
  • corridor: coridor
  • filled: llawn
  • trembled: crynu
  • whispered: dywedodd
  • opened: agorodd
  • weight: pwysau
  • hope: gobaith
  • danger: perygl
  • hands: dwylo
  • broken: torri
  • collapsing: cwympo
  • breath: anadl
  • diary: ddyddiadur
  • torn: llafn
  • creaked: gwegian
  • nostalgia: hiraeth
  • memories: cofnodion
  • sacred: sanctaidd
  • revealed: datgelu
  • hero: archarwr
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