Story & Song #67 I welcome you once again to the music of Fritz Kahn

16 lug 2024 · 25 min. 33 sec.
Story & Song #67 I welcome you once again to the music of Fritz Kahn

An award-winning masterpiece, Gunthi features a unique acoustic piano and orchestral style. Each song is a gem urging to be discovered by you.Fritz Kahn and The Miracles is a name...

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An award-winning masterpiece, Gunthi features a unique acoustic piano and orchestral style. Each song is a gem urging to be discovered by you.Fritz Kahn and The Miracles is a name which is most-likely new to you, but their sound feels familiar; in your childhood, in the movies, maybe even in your dreams. This music follows the path of great composers such as Irving Berlin, George Gershwin and more recently, names such as Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel and Elton John.The familiarity of this sound will astonish you. Despite it being very original, it's something you can sing along to and indulge yourself with. This interview with Fritz is, as always, very interesting and fun.
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Autore Susan Gabrielle
Organizzazione Susan Gabrielle
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