
Stephen L. Miller, Versus Media podcast host; Kristi Burton-Brown answers Heidi Ganahl's assertions on campaign funds

24 lug 2024 · 37 min. 36 sec.
Stephen L. Miller, Versus Media podcast host; Kristi Burton-Brown answers Heidi Ganahl's assertions on campaign funds

Stephen L. Miller, host of the Versus Media podcast joins Ryan with the media in full rehabilitation mode of the Vice-President's image, as the reconstruction of Kamala Harris has begun....

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Stephen L. Miller, host of the Versus Media podcast joins Ryan with the media in full rehabilitation mode of the Vice-President's image, as the reconstruction of Kamala Harris has begun.

Kristi Burton-Brown, former Colorado GOP chair joins Ryan to respond to comments made by Heidi Ganahl, former Republican candidate for governor, while she was guest hosting for Dan Caplis on Tuesday, as well as the state of the current Colorado GOP and Kristi's own race for the state board of education against Democrat Krista Holtzmann.
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Autore Denver's Talk Station 630 KHOW
Organizzazione iHeartRadio
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