
Snowy Dilemmas: A Journey of Choices in Lahemaa

6 gen 2025 · 13 min. 46 sec.
Snowy Dilemmas: A Journey of Choices in Lahemaa

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

10 min. 28 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Snowy Dilemmas: A Journey of Choices in Lahemaa Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Et: Lumehelbed helkisid õrnalt läbi männimetsade,...

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Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Snowy Dilemmas: A Journey of Choices in Lahemaa
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Story Transcript:

Et: Lumehelbed helkisid õrnalt läbi männimetsade, valgustades Lahemaa rahvusparki justkui sajandeid vana postkaarti.
En: Snowflakes shimmered gently through the pine forests, illuminating Lahemaa National Park like a centuries-old postcard.

Et: Kaupo ja Leena suundusid rahulikult läbi metsaradu.
En: Kaupo and Leena quietly made their way along the forest paths.

Et: Nende vanemad olid juba eespool, jättes lastele võimaluse omavahel vestelda.
En: Their parents were already ahead, leaving the children a chance to talk among themselves.

Et: Kaupo sammus vaikides, tema mõtted keerlesid.
En: Kaupo walked silently, his thoughts swirling.

Et: Tal oli südames igatsus – soov õppida välismaal, avastada maailma.
En: He had a longing in his heart—a desire to study abroad, to explore the world.

Et: Kuid samas hoidis teda tagasi armastus kodu ja perekonna vastu.
En: Yet at the same time, he was held back by his love for home and family.

Et: Leena hüppas kergelt üle jääpurikate, pilk vennal.
En: Leena lightly skipped over icicles, glancing at her brother.

Et: Ta oli märganud Kaupo eemalolekut viimastel nädalatel.
En: She had noticed Kaupo's absence in recent weeks.

Et: "Kaupo, miks sa nii tõsine oled?"
En: "Why are you so serious, Kaupo?"

Et: küsis Leena muretud.
En: Leena asked, concerned.

Et: "See matk on ju tore."
En: "This hike is nice, isn't it?"

Et: Kaupo naeratas kergelt, kuid tema süda püsis mõistatuslikuna.
En: Kaupo smiled gently, but his heart remained mysterious.

Et: "Ma lihtsalt mõtlen," vastas ta lõpuks.
En: "I'm just thinking," he finally replied.

Et: Ta teadis, et Leena on tark ja võib temaga rääkida.
En: He knew that Leena was smart and that he could talk to her.

Et: Jõudes metsalagendikule, kus lumi kattis maapinda sametise vaibana, otsustasid nad istuda.
En: Reaching a forest glade, where the snow covered the ground like a velvet carpet, they decided to sit down.

Et: Siin oli rahulik, ainult tuule vaikus kõneles.
En: It was peaceful here; only the silence of the wind spoke.

Et: Kaupo vaatas Leenale otsa, tema silmad särasid uudishimust ja murest.
En: Kaupo looked at Leena, his eyes shining with curiosity and concern.

Et: "Ma pean otsustama, mida tulevikus teha," ütles Kaupo.
En: "I have to decide what to do in the future," said Kaupo.

Et: "Kas minna välismaale õppima või jääda siia."
En: "Whether to go abroad to study or stay here."

Et: Leena taipas, et see oli midagi suurt.
En: Leena realized that this was something big.

Et: Ta istus uuesti lume peal, käed ümbritsemas põlvi.
En: She sat back down on the snow, wrapping her arms around her knees.

Et: "Kui sa tahad minna, miks sa siis pelgad?
En: "If you want to go, why are you afraid?

Et: Eesti jääb ju alles."
En: Eesti will still be here."

Et: Kaupo vaatas oma nooremat õde, keda ta alati väiksena nägi.
En: Kaupo looked at his younger sister, whom he always saw as little.

Et: Tema lihtsad sõnad sisaldasid siiski tarkust.
En: Her simple words, however, contained wisdom.

Et: "Kas sa tõesti arvad, et mina... et mina... peaksin proovima?"
En: "Do you really think that I... that I... should try?"

Et: "Jah," vastas Leena kindlalt.
En: "Yes," Leena answered confidently.

Et: "Aga tea, et sa ei pea otsustama kohe.
En: "But know that you don't have to decide right away.

Et: Võta oma aeg."
En: Take your time."

Et: Kaupo tundis, kuidas koorem tema õlgadelt langes.
En: Kaupo felt a burden lift from his shoulders.

Et: Leena avatus temale andis talle kindlust.
En: Leena's openness gave him confidence.

Et: Ta mõistis, et perekonna toetus ei kao isegi siis, kui ta lahkub.
En: He understood that family support wouldn't disappear even if he left.

Et: Kui nad matka lõpetasid ja koju jõudsid, teadis Kaupo, et on teinud esimese sammu.
En: When they finished their hike and got home, Kaupo knew he had taken the first step.

Et: Ta vajab aega, aga tal on nüüd südamerahu.
En: He needed time, but now he had peace of mind.

Et: Ta ei pea elus valima ainult ühte teed korraga.
En: He didn't have to choose just one path at a time in life.

Et: Leeni lihtne tarkus oli andnud Kaupole uue vaatenurga.
En: Leena's simple wisdom had given Kaupo a new perspective.

Et: Temal ei olnud kiiret, kuid tal oli lootus ja see oli piisav.
En: He didn't need to rush, but he had hope, and that was enough.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shimmered: helkisid
  • illuminating: valgustades
  • forests: männimetsade
  • centuries-old: sajandeid vana
  • postcard: postkaarti
  • path: metsaradu
  • longing: igatsus
  • abroad: välismaal
  • explore: avastada
  • held back: hoidis tagasi
  • skipped: hüppas
  • icicles: jääpurikate
  • concerned: muretud
  • hike: matk
  • replied: vastas
  • glade: metsalagendikule
  • velvet: sametise
  • carpet: vaibana
  • peaceful: rahulik
  • curiosity: uudishimust
  • concern: murest
  • realized: taipas
  • perspective: vaatenurga
  • confidence: kindlust
  • burden: koorem
  • disappear: ei kao
  • support: toetus
  • perspective: vaatenurga
  • wisdom: tarkus
  • hope: lootus
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