Singing Along: Finding Family at the Bratislava Market
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Singing Along: Finding Family at the Bratislava Market
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Singing Along: Finding Family at the Bratislava Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Vrava a ruch Bratislavského vianočného...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Vrava a ruch Bratislavského vianočného trhu zaplnili vzduch.
En: The chatter and bustle of the Bratislavský Christmas market filled the air.
Sk: Svetielka blikali nad ich hlavami a prchavé vône vareného vína a pečených gaštanov dráždili nozdry.
En: Lights twinkled above their heads, and the fleeting scents of mulled wine and roasted chestnuts tickled their nostrils.
Sk: Marek kráčal medzi stánkami so svojimi sestrami, Zuzanou a Annou.
En: Marek walked among the stalls with his sisters, Zuzana and Anna.
Sk: Snažil sa, aby to bolo zvláštne vianočné obdobie, i keď rodičia boli ďaleko.
En: He tried to make this a special Christmas season, even though their parents were far away.
Sk: „Pozrite, perníčky!“ zvolala Anna, najmladšia zo súrodencov.
En: “Look, gingerbread!” exclaimed Anna, the youngest of the siblings.
Sk: Jej oči žiarili, keď videla krásu a pestrosť trhu.
En: Her eyes shone as she took in the beauty and vibrancy of the market.
Sk: Bolo jej jedno, že ich rodičia oslavujú Vianoce v ďalekej cudzine.
En: It didn't matter to her that their parents were celebrating Christmas in a distant land.
Sk: Pre ňu to tu a teraz bolo čarovné.
En: For her, the magic was here and now.
Sk: Zuzana, s rukami zastrčenými v kabáte, kráčala vedľa nich s jemným úsmevom.
En: Zuzana, with her hands tucked into her coat, walked beside them with a gentle smile.
Sk: „Marek, chceme ešte ísť do toho obchodu, čo sme zvykli s mamou navštevovať?“ opýtala sa, jej hlas akoby preniknutý štipkou irónie, no zároveň tam bol aj iskrička zvedavosti.
En: “Marek, do we want to go to that shop we used to visit with mom?” she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of irony, but there was also a spark of curiosity.
Sk: Marek sa snažil, aby bol sebavedomý, aj keď vnútorné pochybnosti mu ťažili myseľ.
En: Marek tried to be confident, even though inner doubts weighed on his mind.
Sk: „Prečo nie,“ odpovedal a pridal krok, aby nezostal pozadu.
En: “Why not,” he replied, picking up his pace so as not to fall behind.
Sk: Cítil, že tieto chvíle sú dôležité, hoci mu chýbalo vedenie rodičov.
En: He felt these moments were important, even though he missed their parents' guidance.
Sk: Pred desiatkami stánkov našli všetko, čo by si len na takom mieste mohli priať – od lákavých oblátok po jemne spracované remeselné výrobky.
En: In front of dozens of stalls, they found everything one could wish for at such a place—from tempting wafers to finely crafted artisanal products.
Sk: Anna bola vo svojom živle.
En: Anna was in her element.
Sk: Snažila sa, aby na nič nezabudli.
En: She made sure they didn't forget anything.
Sk: Marek pre ňu bol spokojný, aj keď vedel, že Zuzana si z neho preháňa.
En: Marek was happy for her, even if he knew that Zuzana was teasing him.
Sk: Čoskoro počuli z rohu námestia zbor.
En: Soon, they heard a choir from the corner of the square.
Sk: Ich hlasy sa zmiešali s mrazivým vzduchom a nôtou, ktorú všetci dobre poznali.
En: Their voices blended with the chilly air and the notes everyone knew well.
Sk: Spievali vianočnú kolednú pieseň, ktorú ich mama milovala.
En: They were singing a Christmas carol their mom loved.
Sk: Marek zastal.
En: Marek paused.
Sk: Mal prejsť okolo?
En: Should he just walk past?
Sk: Alebo sa pripojiť a posilniť tak hmatateľnú prítomnosť ich rodičov v ich srdciach?
En: Or join in and strengthen their parents' tangible presence in their hearts?
Sk: Zuzana, hoci prišla bližšie, vždy s jemným komentárom na okraji pier, sa tiež zastavila.
En: Zuzana, although she came closer, always with a gentle comment at the corner of her mouth, also stopped.
Sk: A dokonca Anna, ktorá bola doposiaľ pohltená trhom, utíchla a započúvala sa do piesne.
En: And even Anna, who had been absorbed by the market, quieted and listened to the song.
Sk: „Poďme si zaspievať,“ povedal Marek váhavo.
En: “Let's sing,” Marek said hesitantly.
Sk: V očiach jeho sestier mohol vidieť nie lásku k tej piesni, ale vzájomnú podporu.
En: In his sisters' eyes, he could see not love for the song, but mutual support.
Sk: Marek, Zuzana a Anna sa pripojili k zbore so všetkými ostatnými na trhu.
En: Marek, Zuzana, and Anna joined the choir with everyone else at the market.
Sk: Ruky spojili.
En: They held hands.
Sk: Ich hlasy zneli spolu s hudbou, a na chvíľu sa znova cítili ako celá rodina.
En: Their voices resonated with the music, and for a moment, they felt like a complete family again.
Sk: Marek spoznal, že ťarchu nemusí niesť sám.
En: Marek realized he didn't have to bear the burden alone.
Sk: Ich malá chvíľa jednoty mu priniesla úľavu.
En: Their little moment of unity brought him relief.
Sk: Zuzana si uvedomila, aké dôležité sú ich rodinné tradície, a Anna sa poučila o rovnováhe medzi tým, čo bolo staré, a tým, čo bolo nové.
En: Zuzana realized how important their family traditions were, and Anna learned about the balance between the old and the new.
Sk: Svetlá žiarili, a Bratislavský trh im poskytol útechu i domov.
En: The lights shone brightly, and the Bratislavský market provided them with comfort and a sense of home.
Sk: Vo vzduchu bola prítomná radosť a pokoj v ich srdciach.
En: There was joy in the air and peace in their hearts.
Sk: Rodina, i keď na okamih vzdialená, bola znova pohromade.
En: The family, though momentarily distant, was together once more.
Vocabulary Words:
- chatter: vrava
- bustle: ruch
- twinkled: blikali
- fleeting: prchavé
- nostrils: nozdry
- siblings: súrodenci
- vibrancy: pestrosť
- tinged: preniknutý
- artisanal: remeselné
- crafted: spracované
- tempting: lákavé
- element: živel
- choir: zbor
- hesitantly: váhavo
- resonated: zneli
- burden: ťarcha
- unity: jednota
- relief: úľava
- balance: rovnováha
- twinkling: žiariť
- comfort: útecha
- traditions: tradície
- presence: prítomnosť
- guidance: vedenie
- curiosity: zvedavosť
- humble: jemný
- beckons: poďme
- strengthen: posilniť
- absorbed: pohltená
- momentarily: na okamih
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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