Silence of The Lad, Why Men Stop Talking with Anthony Page

3 ott 2022 · 15 min. 17 sec.
Silence of The Lad, Why Men Stop Talking with Anthony Page

Tony is a native Washingtonian who enjoys meeting new people and traveling the country. He is the proud father of two adult daughters: and a doting Gee Paw of twin...

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Tony is a native Washingtonian who enjoys meeting new people and traveling the country. He is the proud father of two adult daughters: and a doting Gee Paw of twin grandchildren. Tony has a Bachelor of Science in Pastoral Leadership, and an Associate Degree in Christian Education. He serves as Lead Pastor at Face2Face Worship Center in Clinton, Maryland, and is a Certified Relationship Counselor, HTA. Tony has served in various capacities of ministry for over 30 years.

His passion is helping people identify and fulfill their purpose.
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Autore Dr. Angela Butts Chester
Organizzazione DR ANGELA CHESTER
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