
Shared Dreams: A Journey to Self-Discovery at Aquarium

22 nov 2024 · 16 min. 45 sec.
Shared Dreams: A Journey to Self-Discovery at Aquarium

01 · Main Story

1 min. 45 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min. 18 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Shared Dreams: A Journey to Self-Discovery at Aquarium Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Dani su postajali kraći, a...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Shared Dreams: A Journey to Self-Discovery at Aquarium
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Dani su postajali kraći, a jesenje lišće prekrivalo je šetnicu prema velikom akvariju na jadranskoj obali.
En: The days were getting shorter, and the autumn leaves covered the walkway leading to the large aquarium on the jadranska coast.

Hr: Nina i Milan putovali su iz Zagreba cijeli dan.
En: Nina and Milan traveled from Zagreb all day long.

Hr: Uzbuđenje ih je tjeralo naprijed, unatoč hladnom vjetru koji je puhao.
En: Excitement pushed them forward despite the cold wind blowing.

Hr: Akvarij je bio poznat po šarenim ribama i rijetkim morskim vrstama.
En: The aquarium was famous for its colorful fish and rare marine species.

Hr: Nina, studentica morske biologije, bila je puna dvojbi.
En: Nina, a marine biology student, was full of doubts.

Hr: Imala je zadatak napisati diplomski rad o morskim ekosistemima, ali često se pitala zna li dovoljno.
En: She had the task of writing a thesis on marine ecosystems, but she often wondered if she knew enough.

Hr: Milan je, s druge strane, fotografski entuzijast.
En: Milan, on the other hand, was a photography enthusiast.

Hr: Njegov plan bio je snimiti savršenu fotografiju za svoju prvu izložbu.
En: His plan was to capture the perfect photo for his first exhibition.

Hr: Ali u sebi je osjećao pritisak da nije dovoljno dobar.
En: But internally, he felt the pressure of not being good enough.

Hr: Kada su stigli, vrata akvarija bila su već otvorena.
En: When they arrived, the aquarium doors were already open.

Hr: Unutra, prostor je bio prostran i osvijetljen plavičastim svjetlom iz ogromnih spremnika.
En: Inside, the space was vast and illuminated by bluish light from the enormous tanks.

Hr: Zvuk mjehurića i škljocanje fotoaparata ispunjavali su zrak.
En: The sound of bubbles and camera clicks filled the air.

Hr: Posjetitelji, odrasli i djeca podjednako, promatrali su kroz staklene zidove.
En: Visitors, adults and children alike, observed through the glass walls.

Hr: Nina se zaustavila ispred velikog spremnika s ribama škarpinama.
En: Nina stopped in front of a large tank with scorpionfish.

Hr: "Pogledaj, Milan," rekla je, "njihove bodlje kriju otrov.
En: "Look, Milan," she said, "their spines hide venom."

Hr: " No dok je govorila, njen glas je drhtao, što ju je iznenadilo.
En: But as she spoke, her voice trembled, which surprised her.

Hr: Ubrzo se pridružio i stručnjak za morsku biologiju koji je gostovao tog dana.
En: Soon, a marine biology expert who was a guest that day joined them.

Hr: Ljubazno joj je ponudio savjete.
En: He kindly offered her advice.

Hr: Nina je iskoristila priliku da postavi pitanja, a njegov entuzijazam pomogao joj je da se opusti i više vjeruje u vlastito znanje.
En: Nina took the opportunity to ask questions, and his enthusiasm helped her relax and trust her own knowledge more.

Hr: Milan je u međuvremenu imao problema.
En: Meanwhile, Milan had trouble.

Hr: Njegov fotoaparat, netom kupljen, prestao je raditi.
En: His camera, just recently purchased, stopped working.

Hr: Panika ga je obuzela.
En: Panic overcame him.

Hr: Uočio je drugog posjetitelja sa sličnim fotoaparatom.
En: He noticed another visitor with a similar camera.

Hr: Sramežljivo je prišao i upitao bi li mogao koristiti njihov rezervni ako imaju.
En: Shyly, he approached and asked if he could use their spare if they had one.

Hr: Nina i Milan ponovno su se našli pred glavnim spremnikom.
En: Nina and Milan found themselves again in front of the main tank.

Hr: Nini su oživjele oči dok je opisivala morski svijet Millanu kroz svoj objektiv riječi.
En: Nina's eyes lit up as she described the marine world to Milan through her lens of words.

Hr: Njene riječi preobrazile su sve pred njim.
En: Her words transformed everything in front of him.

Hr: Milan se fokusirao na trenutak u kojem sjena velike morske kornjače prelazi preko koraljnog grebena.
En: Milan focused on the moment when the shadow of a large sea turtle crossed over the coral reef.

Hr: Klik!
En: Click!

Hr: Nova kamera uhvatila je trenutak.
En: The new camera captured the moment.

Hr: Milan je uspio snimiti sliku koja mu se činila savršenom.
En: Milan managed to take a picture that seemed perfect to him.

Hr: Zajedno su prošli kroz dan na akvariju, svaki put jačajući jedan drugoga.
En: Together, they spent the day at the aquarium, each time strengthening one another.

Hr: Nina je shvatila koliko zna i koliko može postići.
En: Nina realized how much she knew and how much she could accomplish.

Hr: A Milan, noseći impresionirajuću fotografiju dana, osjećao je obnovljenu vjeru u svoje sposobnosti.
En: And Milan, carrying the impressive photo of the day, felt renewed faith in his abilities.

Hr: Kad su napustili akvarij, nebo je već počelo tamniti.
En: When they left the aquarium, the sky had already begun to darken.

Hr: Hodali su polako prema autobusnoj stanici, razgovarajući o svojoj avanturi.
En: They walked slowly toward the bus station, talking about their adventure.

Hr: Nina je bila spremna suočiti se s izazovima diplome, a Milan nije mogao dočekati da pokaže svoju sliku na svojoj prvoj izložbi.
En: Nina was ready to face the challenges of her thesis, and Milan couldn't wait to show his picture at his first exhibition.

Hr: S večernjim povjetarcem u leđima, nosili su sa sobom više od onoga što su očekivali pronaći — novu razinu sigurnosti i vjeru u ono što im budućnost može donijeti.
En: With the evening breeze at their backs, they carried more with them than they expected to find—a new level of confidence and faith in what the future might bring.

Vocabulary Words:
  • walkway: šetnica
  • coast: obali
  • excitement: uzbuđenje
  • rare: rijetkim
  • species: vrstama
  • doubts: dvojbi
  • thesis: diplomski rad
  • ecosystems: ekosistemima
  • enthusiast: entuzijast
  • exhibition: izložba
  • enormous: ogromnih
  • bubbles: mjehurića
  • observed: promatrali
  • scorpionfish: ribe škarpine
  • spines: bodlje
  • venom: otrov
  • trembled: drhtao
  • expert: stručnjak
  • opportunity: priliku
  • enthusiasm: entuzijazam
  • recently: netom
  • panic: panika
  • noticed: uočio
  • approached: prišao
  • shyly: sramežljivo
  • main: glavnim
  • shadow: sjena
  • reef: grebena
  • captured: uhvatila
  • accomplish: postići
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