
Secret Society Shapeshifters

6 mag 2024 · 1 h 7 min. 22 sec.
Secret Society Shapeshifters

On this episode of "A Glitch in the Matrix," Jessica and Dr. Dennis Carroll discuss members of secret societies reaching high levels within their organization and being granted the opportunity...

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On this episode of "A Glitch in the Matrix," Jessica and Dr. Dennis Carroll discuss members of secret societies reaching high levels within their organization and being granted the opportunity to become a shapeshifter through ritual practices. It is said that they are able to take the form of an animal or vampire, although the means of doing so are quite horrific, according to whistleblowers and those involved.

Dennis W. Carroll has over 40 years of experience in the field of the paranormal. He has studied, researched, and investigated many aspects pertaining to the paranormal and the supernatural with many personal paranormal experiences. He is also a researcher and Investigator of the occult and the supernatural. He's a well-known authority on Folklore, Legends, Superstitions, Cryptozoology, and the Occult. He is a Supernaturalist and Paranormal Consultant who has advised people throughout the world.

Dennis is a published Freelance Writer/Author, who has written several books and is currently at work on a series of adventure novels based on supernatural events. Dennis is an ordained Minister and a photographer. He is a well-known UFO and Cryptid Researcher. He is a speaker and performs lectures and presentations on culture, folklore, myths, and legends. You can find him on his YouTube channel Hunting the Shadows.

**For Entertainment Purposes Only**

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