
Season 3 Episode 21 - Benefits Of A Transactional Relationships

31 lug 2024 · 28 min. 22 sec.
Season 3 Episode 21 - Benefits Of A Transactional Relationships

Transactional Relationships vs. Traditional Relationships -  which do you prefer? Although there is not a lot of talk about transactional relatinoships, at least not openly, I personally feel that they...

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Transactional Relationships vs. Traditional Relationships -  which do you prefer? Although there is not a lot of talk about transactional relatinoships, at least not openly, I personally feel that they exist a lot. There would probably be a lot of people who would look down on transactional relatinonship and/or think only negative things about them. But what if i told you that there are actually a lot of benefits to this type of relationship? Take a listen to this episode and see for yourself. 
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Autore Ra’Mone Marquis
Organizzazione Ra’Mone Marquis
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