
Sarah Huckabee Sanders shines at RNC Tuesday; John Fabbricatore, GOP candidate for CO-6 on Biden ripping Crow's Bronze Star

18 lug 2024 · 34 min. 26 sec.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders shines at RNC Tuesday; John Fabbricatore, GOP candidate for CO-6 on Biden ripping Crow's Bronze Star

Ryan reflects on an all-star lineup in Milwaukee for Republicans at their national convention in Milwaukee from Tuesday's second night. Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders stood out, even among the heavy...

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Ryan reflects on an all-star lineup in Milwaukee for Republicans at their national convention in Milwaukee from Tuesday's second night. Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders stood out, even among the heavy hitters, with her deeply personal and unbreakable bond with President Trump.

John Fabbricatore, GOP candidate in Colorado's 6th Congressional District, joins Ryan to discuss reports of a heated exchange on a Zoom call between Joe Biden and Rep. Jason Crow (D, CO-6), a one-sided flaming with the President chastising the Congressman over foreign policy as a campaign issue.

John Fabbricatore for Congress
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Autore Denver's Talk Station 630 KHOW
Organizzazione iHeartRadio
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