(Robservations Replay) Some of my favorite films - beginning with the letter "A" (#013)

12 mar 2021 · 1 h 16 min. 23 sec.
(Robservations Replay) Some of my favorite films - beginning with the letter "A" (#013)

Writer-producer-director Robert Meyer Burnett presents ten of his favorite films from his private, physical media collection - all of which begin with the letter "A." RMB asks us to keep...

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Writer-producer-director Robert Meyer Burnett presents ten of his favorite films from his private, physical media collection - all of which begin with the letter "A."

RMB asks us to keep in mind these aren't ALL of his favorite movies beginning with the first letter of the alphabet, just a cross-section of films from his extensive blu-ray and 4K collection that he finds particularly enjoyable.

(ROBSERVATIONS Episode #013 • Originally streamed on January 3, 2019)
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