Rings of Power Season 2

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Rings of Power Season 2
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A shadow is growing over Middle Earth... Rings of Power Season 2 comes to a close and as darkness falls... this heckin' great review is rising. Nick and Joe review...
mostra di piùRings of Power Season 2 comes to a close and as darkness falls... this heckin' great review is rising.
Nick and Joe review the finale and talk about the season. What worked? What didn't? Why is Joe glaring at Numenor?
00:00--01:50 Intro
01:51--03:56 Quick Agatha Hit
03:57--06:24 Feelings on the finale
06:25--12:14 Khazad-dûm and the dwarves
12:15--28:57 Eregion and Sauron
28:58--35:33 The Canyon and The Stranger
35:34--41:32 Numenor or Nume-snore?
41:33--45:14 Pelargir and Isildur
45:15--54:39 Review of Season 2
54:40--55:39 Next time...
Autore | Joe Pedersen |
Organizzazione | Joe Pedersen |
Sito | - |
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