Retail Sales Surge Despite Credit Dependency, Jobless Claims Drop: Market Update

17 ott 2024 · 8 min. 18 sec.
Retail Sales Surge Despite Credit Dependency, Jobless Claims Drop: Market Update

Join hosts Ed Parcaut and Mike Kelly for a fresh and insightful episode of "Real Estate Jerky Daily," live from New York. In this Thursday edition, we dive deep into...

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Join hosts Ed Parcaut and Mike Kelly for a fresh and insightful episode of "Real Estate Jerky Daily," live from New York. In this Thursday edition, we dive deep into the latest market updates, including retail sales, initial jobless claims, and the NAHB housing market index. 🔹 Key Highlights:
  • An analysis of the current retail sales and consumer spending trends.
  • A breakdown of initial jobless claims and the implications for the labor market.
  • The latest updates on the housing market index and what it means for real estate.
  • A discussion on the Broncos vs. Saints game and its relevance to franchise building.
  • Light-hearted banter and personal anecdotes that bring a relatable touch to the show.
Despite economic uncertainties and fluctuating markets, Ed and Mike keep it real, addressing the tough questions and offering valuable insights for real estate enthusiasts, professionals, and everyday listeners. Plus, get a sneak peek into upcoming events and what to watch out for in the real estate world. Tune in and stay ahead of the curve with Ed Parcaut and Mike Kelly - your go-to sources for all things real estate! Listen now and stay informed! 🔹 **Call to Action:**
- If you're considering refinancing, now might be the perfect time! Reach out to your loan officer or contact Ed Parcaut for expert advice.
- Need a probate and trust specialized realtor? Mike Kelly is your go-to guy! 🔗 **Follow us:**
- **Facebook:** [Real Estate Jerky](
- **Instagram:** [@RealEstateJerky](
- **Website:** [Real Estate Jerky]( 🔗 **Ed Parcaut:**
- Twitter: [@EdParcaut](
- LinkedIn: [Ed Parcaut]( Need more information? Please visit #MarketUpdate #RealEstate #EdParcaut #MikeKelly #RetailSales #JoblessClaims #CreditCardSpending #HousingMarket #Podcast #EconomicIndicators #ConsumerSpending
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Autore Ed Parcaut
Organizzazione Ed Parcaut
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