Reflection | Money and the Christian

15 ott 2024 · 24 min. 2 sec.
Reflection | Money and the Christian

Father Josiah Trenham.  We're thrilled to announce our new app "Patristic Nectar", available on all platforms. Access all our content—sermons, lectures, podcasts, and more—right from your device, anytime, anywhere.The Arena...

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Father Josiah Trenham. 

We're thrilled to announce our new app "Patristic Nectar", available on all platforms. Access all our content—sermons, lectures, podcasts, and more—right from your device, anytime, anywhere.The Arena Podcast

The Arena Podcast is the flagship of Patristic Nectar Publications, featuring over 600 sermons and theological reflections by Father Josiah Trenham, delivered from St. Andrew Church in Riverside, California, since 2010.Donate Easily:
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