
Rain or Shine: Annelize's Triumph at the Summer Concert

12 gen 2025 · 15 min. 59 sec.
Rain or Shine: Annelize's Triumph at the Summer Concert

01 · Main Story

1 min. 44 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

12 min. 47 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Rain or Shine: Annelize's Triumph at the Summer Concert Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Met die son wat...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Rain or Shine: Annelize's Triumph at the Summer Concert
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Story Transcript:

Af: Met die son wat bo Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuin skyn, was Annelize besig om tussen die bome en blomme te beweeg.
En: With the sun shining over Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuin, Annelize was moving among the trees and flowers.

Af: Die somer se hitte was voelbaar, maar die koel briesie van die berg het verligting gebring.
En: The summer heat was palpable, but the cool breeze from the mountain brought relief.

Af: Sy hou haar clipbord stewig vas en maak seker almal weet wat hulle moet doen.
En: She held her clipboard firmly and made sure everyone knew what they needed to do.

Af: Die tuin was pragtig.
En: The garden was beautiful.

Af: Inheemse plante het rondom haar gegroei en die kranse van Tafelberg het in die agtergrond gestaan, imposant en skouspelagtig.
En: Indigenous plants grew around her, and the cliffs of Tafelberg stood in the background, imposing and spectacular.

Af: Pieter en Jaco, haar helpers, het hande-vatsel-geraamtes opgerig wat die verhoog en stoele gaan hou.
En: Pieter and Jaco, her assistants, were setting up scaffolding that would hold the stage and chairs.

Af: "Alles lyk goed, Annelize," sê Pieter, sy glimlag breed.
En: "Everything looks good, Annelize," Pieter said, smiling broadly.

Af: Jaco het bygevoeg, "Ja, ek dink hierdie gaan fantasties wees.
En: Jaco added, "Yes, I think this is going to be fantastic."

Af: "Annelize se hart was vol hoop.
En: Annelize's heart was full of hope.

Af: Hierdie somerkonsert was groot.
En: This summer concert was significant.

Af: As alles reg loop, kan haar organisasievaardighede raakgesien word, wat nuwe deure vir kreatiewe geleenthede kan oopmaak.
En: If everything went well, her organizational skills could be recognized, opening new doors for creative opportunities.

Af: Maar haar gedagtes was so swaar soos die klimme van die bank onder die skaduwee van die boom.
En: But her thoughts were as heavy as the branches of the bench under the tree's shade.

Af: Terwyl die middag vorder het, het donker wolke begin saampak bo die berg.
En: As the afternoon progressed, dark clouds began to gather above the mountain.

Af: "'n Reënstorm kom," het Jaco gewaarsku nadat hy na die hemel opgekyn het.
En: "A rainstorm is coming," Jaco warned after looking up at the sky.

Af: Annelize se maag het geknoop.
En: Annelize's stomach tightened.

Af: Die weer kon die hele plan omverwerp.
En: The weather could overturn the entire plan.

Af: Wat sou sy doen?
En: What would she do?

Af: Die skare het gou kom, geen tyd om die event binnenshuis te skuif nie.
En: The crowd would arrive soon, with no time to move the event indoors.

Af: Sy moes 'n besluit maak.
En: She had to make a decision.

Af: Sy het haar gedagtes gefokus.
En: She focused her thoughts.

Af: Haar geheime droom was om kreatiewe roetes in dekor en ontwerp verder aan te durf, en miskien was hierdie die soort probleem wat wys waartoe sy in staat is.
En: Her secret dream was to further venture into creative paths in decor and design, and perhaps this was the kind of challenge that would show what she is capable of.

Af: "Ons gebruik die reën-plan," sê sy sterk.
En: "We'll use the rain plan," she said firmly.

Af: "Die tente is gereed.
En: "The tents are ready.

Af: Ons sal vinnig moet werk.
En: We'll need to work quickly."

Af: "Met Pieter en Jaco se hulp het sy begin om die tent-opstelling binne minute op te stel.
En: With Pieter and Jaco's help, she began setting up the tent arrangement within minutes.

Af: Die eerste druppels het geval net toe die tente se rande vasgemaak is.
En: The first drops fell just as the edges of the tents were secured.

Af: Oop sambrele het gedien as 'n bykomende beskerming vir die opgewonde gaste wat begin aankom het.
En: Open umbrellas served as additional protection for the excited guests who began to arrive.

Af: Die reën het sag begin en gou opgehou.
En: The rain started lightly and soon stopped.

Af: Die lug was koel en vars.
En: The air was cool and fresh.

Af: Die atmosfeer het 'n skynsel van avontuur gehad.
En: The atmosphere had a hint of adventure.

Af: En toe die musiek begin speel, was niemand verder bekommerd oor die reën nie.
En: And when the music started playing, no one was worried about the rain anymore.

Af: Die gehoor juig en klap hande, genietend onder die veiligheid van die tente.
En: The audience cheered and clapped, enjoying themselves under the safety of the tents.

Af: Annelize het stil gestaan, kykend hoe die aand ontvou.
En: Annelize stood quietly, watching the evening unfold.

Af: Haar hart het gedeeltelik opgelig.
En: Her heart felt partially uplifted.

Af: Die konsert was 'n sukses.
En: The concert was a success.

Af: En meer as dit, sy het besef dat sy kreatiewe vaardighede het, meer kragtig en oplossingsgerig as wat sy gedink het.
En: And more than that, she realized that her creative skills were more powerful and solution-oriented than she had thought.

Af: Sy was gereed om die toekoms met vertroue aan te pak.
En: She was ready to face the future with confidence.

Af: Die nag het die tuin in koel stilte gehul, en Annelize het geweet dat haar pad vandag 'n nuwe rigting gevind het.
En: The night enveloped the garden in cool silence, and Annelize knew that her path had taken a new direction today.

Af: Sy was nie net iemand wat kon organiseer nie, maar iemand wat kon skep en aanpas.
En: She was not just someone who could organize, but someone who could create and adapt.

Af: Die sterre het skitterend bo uitgekom, en met 'n glimlag op haar gesig het sy geweet—dit was net die begin.
En: The stars shone brightly above, and with a smile on her face, she knew—this was just the beginning.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shining: skyn
  • palpable: voelbaar
  • clipboard: clipbord
  • firmly: stewig
  • indigenous: inheemse
  • cliffs: kranse
  • imposing: imposant
  • scaffolding: hande-vatsel-geraamtes
  • broadly: breed
  • significant: groot
  • recognized: raakgesien
  • gather: saampak
  • rainstorm: reënstorm
  • venture: aan te durf
  • solution-oriented: oplossingsgerig
  • arrangement: opstelling
  • umbrellas: sambrele
  • additional: bykomende
  • protection: beskerming
  • cheered: juig
  • partially: gedeeltelik
  • uplifted: opgelig
  • confidence: vertroue
  • adaptive: aanpas
  • further: verder
  • hint: skynsel
  • realized: besef
  • cool: koel
  • fresh: vars
  • enveloped: gehul
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