Radio Established to Address Life -R.E.A.L.Radio: Testimonial Cypher

9 apr 2022 · 1 h 53 min. 17 sec.
Radio Established to Address Life -R.E.A.L.Radio: Testimonial Cypher

Weekly, we hope that you join us for a spirited conversation about the week's hot topics. We'll engage in a round table debate, in addition to bringing in guests to...

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Weekly, we hope that you join us for a spirited conversation about the week's hot topics. We'll engage in a round table debate, in addition to bringing in guests to help us better understand the matters at hand. Join the conversation by calling 8186917348 or clicking on the link. If it's Saturday morning, we are keeping it real. Today,we'll discuss the hot topics of the week. Join us, as we discuss: #RussiaBuildUp, #SupremeCourtNomination, #ManSpeak, #InMemoriam, #AmericanVeteran, #WilmingtonNCMassacre, #WhiteGovernmentUnion, #DeltaVarient, #MaskUp, #GeterforSenate, #VotingRights, #Infrastructure, #Reparations, #CovidVaccine, #RaceRelations, #BlackLivesMatter, #ReopeningAmerica, #CoronaVirus, #WomenInBusiness, #YourHealthIsYourWealth, #FarmtoTable, #Leadership, #Humanity, #50andFine, #LastingLove,#LifeAsAnOtherInAmerica, #RacisiminAmerica, #Cheating, #MuillerontheHill, #Incarceration, #Abortion, #RoevWade, #MoreDemsAreIn, #TheFutureofWork, #HateOnWholesale, #BlackWallStreet, #BerniesIn, #FriendZone, #StoneIndictment, #SOTU, #HarrisForPresident, #SurvivingRKelly, #BorderWall, #GovernmentShutdown, #LoveintheNewYear, #FlynnSentencing, #StopGap, #CohenSentenced, #HustlertoSavior, #Voting, #HouseShift, #SenateControl, #SexualAssualt, #GunViolenceInAmerica, #HurricaneFlorence, #ManafortMakesADeal, #KapernicNike, #Sex, #CohanPleadsGuilty, #TrumpOrgFinanceChiefGivenImmunity, #HunterInditment, #MurderSuicide, #NunesTape, #CohanHasTape,#MaleFemaleRelationships, #TurkeyTension, #12Indicted, #SeperationofKidsandParents, #SupremeCourt, #Nominations, #PruittOut, #MidTerms, #ATarriffOverHere, #UrbanFarming, #Love, #LockHimUp, #MoneyMatters, #Shooting, #LoveandFriendship, #CobbOut, #PuertoRico, #OPECChallenge
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Autore Lee A Vaughan Jr.
Organizzazione Lee A Vaughan Jr.
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