
Power Outage Reveals Team Spirit at Winter Solstice Bash

20 dic 2024 · 13 min. 49 sec.
Power Outage Reveals Team Spirit at Winter Solstice Bash

01 · Main Story

1 min. 43 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

10 min. 53 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Power Outage Reveals Team Spirit at Winter Solstice Bash Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 在繁忙的城市中心,高楼大厦如同钢铁森林,窗外的景色灯火辉煌。 En: In...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Power Outage Reveals Team Spirit at Winter Solstice Bash
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 在繁忙的城市中心,高楼大厦如同钢铁森林,窗外的景色灯火辉煌。
En: In the bustling city center, skyscrapers stood like a forest of steel, with the view from the windows resplendent in lights.

Zh: 在这座大楼的某层,明丽和小雨正忙于为公司的冬至派对做准备。
En: On one floor of this building, Mingli and Xiaoyu were busy preparing for the company's Winter Solstice party.

Zh: 明丽是一个勤奋的项目经理,她希望通过这次派对给老板留下深刻的印象,从而获得升职的机会。
En: Mingli was a diligent project manager, hoping to leave a deep impression on her boss through this party, thus gaining an opportunity for promotion.

Zh: 小雨是她的同事和朋友,热衷于传统节日,认为派对是和大家联络感情的好机会。
En: Xiaoyu was her colleague and friend, passionate about traditional holidays and considering the party a great opportunity to bond with everyone.

Zh: 虽然两人的目标不同,但对派对的热情一样高涨。
En: Although their goals were different, their enthusiasm for the party was equally high.

Zh: 然而,事情并没有那么简单。
En: However, things were not that simple.

Zh: 派对预算紧张,同事们对派对的计划意见不一。
En: The party budget was tight, and colleagues had varying opinions about the party plans.

Zh: 有人希望加入现代企业文化的元素,有人则强调传统冬至活动的重要性。
En: Some wanted to incorporate elements of modern corporate culture, while others emphasized the importance of traditional Winter Solstice activities.

Zh: 明丽苦恼不已。
En: Mingli was quite troubled by this.

Zh: 她灵机一动,决定将传统的冬至元素融入现代的办公室环境。
En: Inspired, she decided to blend traditional Winter Solstice elements with the modern office setting.

Zh: 这样,既能满足同事,也能给管理层留下好印象。
En: This way, she could satisfy her colleagues and leave a good impression on the management.

Zh: 派对当天,大楼被精心布置了一番。
En: On the day of the party, the building was meticulously decorated.

Zh: 巨大的玻璃窗透出点点灯光,室内挂满了象征好运的红灯笼和温暖的汤圆。
En: The large glass windows emitted twinkling lights, and the interior was filled with red lanterns symbolizing good fortune and warm tangyuan.

Zh: 大家兴高采烈,正准备迎接快乐的夜晚。
En: Everyone was excited, ready to welcome a joyful evening.

Zh: 然而,突如其来的停电打破了宁静。
En: However, an unexpected power outage shattered the tranquility.

Zh: 整个楼层一片漆黑,派对似乎陷入了僵局。
En: The entire floor was plunged into darkness, and the party seemed to come to a halt.

Zh: 就在大家不知所措的时候,明丽站起来,决定用蜡烛来营造一个温馨的气氛。
En: Just when everyone was at a loss, Mingli stood up, deciding to use candles to create a warm atmosphere.

Zh: 她和小雨快速分工,很快就将蜡烛一一摆好。
En: She and Xiaoyu quickly divided the tasks and soon had candles set up one by one.

Zh: 微弱的烛光让派对别有一番风味。
En: The gentle candlelight gave the party a unique flavor.

Zh: 大家围坐在一起,分享热腾腾的汤圆,诉说彼此的故事。
En: Everyone sat around, sharing steaming tangyuan and telling their stories.

Zh: 气氛变得更加亲密,冬至的团圆精神也得以体现。
En: The atmosphere became more intimate, reflecting the spirit of reunion during the Winter Solstice.

Zh: 老板对明丽的机智和应变能力大加赞赏。
En: The boss greatly praised Mingli's wit and adaptability.

Zh: 明丽在帮助下,用一种全新的方式让派对圆满结束。
En: With some help, Mingli brought the party to a successful conclusion in a brand-new way.

Zh: 她明白了灵活性和团队合作的重要性,并在面对突发挑战时建立了信心。
En: She realized the importance of flexibility and teamwork, and built confidence in facing sudden challenges.

Zh: 夜深了,派对圆满结束。
En: As the night deepened, the party ended successfully.

Zh: 窗外的城市依然灯火辉煌,而明丽心中则充满了对于未来的期望。
En: The city outside the window was still resplendent with lights, while Mingli was filled with hope for the future.

Zh: 她知道,这次派对不仅增强了团队凝聚力,也为她在公司内的发展铺平了道路。
En: She knew that the party not only strengthened team cohesion but also paved the way for her development within the company.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: 繁忙的
  • skyscrapers: 高楼大厦
  • resplendent: 灯火辉煌
  • diligent: 勤奋的
  • promotion: 升职
  • passionate: 热衷于
  • bond: 联络感情
  • budget: 预算
  • varying: 意见不一
  • incorporate: 加入
  • troubled: 苦恼
  • inspired: 灵机一动
  • meticulously: 精心
  • twinkling: 点点灯光
  • lanterns: 红灯笼
  • fortune: 好运
  • tangyuan: 汤圆
  • unexpected: 突如其来
  • tranquility: 宁静
  • plunged: 陷入
  • candlelight: 烛光
  • intimate: 亲密
  • reunion: 团圆
  • praised: 大加赞赏
  • wit: 机智
  • adaptability: 应变能力
  • flexibility: 灵活性
  • cohesion: 凝聚力
  • paved: 铺平
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