
Parents Promised to Pay for My College but Refused When My Golden Child Brother Didn't Get

18 nov 2024 · 18 min. 6 sec.
Parents Promised to Pay for My College but Refused When My Golden Child Brother Didn't Get

#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #parentalbias #siblingrivalry #collegestory #estrangedfamilySummary: A young man reveals how his parents promised to pay for his Caltech education but refused when his younger "golden child" brother...

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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #parentalbias #siblingrivalry #collegestory #estrangedfamilySummary:
A young man reveals how his parents promised to pay for his Caltech education but refused when his younger "golden child" brother didn’t get into his dream college. After exposing their manipulation at a work event, he faced family conflict, sought legal protection, and pursued independence with his uncle's support.Tags:
redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, familydrama, parentalfavoritism, siblingrivalry, caltecheducation, goldenchild, estrangedparents, unclehero, manipulativefamily, restrainingorder, dysfunctionalrelationships, siblingconflict, collegefunding, betrayedtrust, revengeatwork, independencejourney
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Autore Max
Organizzazione Max
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