OBB Ep: 122 Vertical Penetration

12 ago 2021 · 1 h 9 min. 13 sec.
OBB Ep: 122 Vertical Penetration

Orange Bowl Boys S4 E2 Show Notes: We recapped the first 5 sessions of camp. Biggest stories thus far? Freshman 5-star Leonard Taylor is getting lots of love. We had...

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Orange Bowl Boys
S4 E2 Show Notes:

We recapped the first 5 sessions of camp. Biggest stories thus far? Freshman 5-star Leonard Taylor is getting lots of love. We had differing opino0ns on how much he’ll see the field this year. Toast was bullish, Scoop, not so much. On the flipside, Toast was concerned with Rhett Lashlee mentioning there had been ‘lots of good and lots of bad’ with the WR’s so far. We didn’t like the bad part. Scoop thinks it’s good. He believes the really good is coming from the underclassmen and they will push the ‘lots of bad’ out the door. We all know who he means.

The boys got in depth on the DL. Toast was pleased Jordan Miller has stopped eating pie. Ro is patting himself on the back, his prediction of us rolling out a defense with 1LB and 7 DB’s seems to be fast approaching. We also talked about being Safety U again as Markieth Williams committed an hour before we recorded.

We looked at ESPN’s Top-50 Newcomers and the three Miami Hurricanes on that list…Toast was surprised Leonard Taylor wasn’t on it. We also broke down the Coaches Poll where Miami cane in at #16.

Hope you enjoy and as always…GO CANES!

We are available on all platforms. Just search @OrangeBowlBoys
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Autore OBB Media Inc.
Organizzazione Orange Bowl Boys
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