New Year, New Beginnings: A Family Braai and Anika's Big News

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New Year, New Beginnings: A Family Braai and Anika's Big News
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: New Year, New Beginnings: A Family Braai and Anika's Big News Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Die son...
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Story Transcript:
Af: Die son sak stadig agter die berge van Stellenbosch, goud en oranje verf die lug.
En: The sun sets slowly behind the mountains of Stellenbosch, painting the sky gold and orange.
Af: Anika, Johan, en Marnus is by die groot familiewoning, waar 'n pragtige tuin die huis omring.
En: Anika, Johan, and Marnus are at the large family home, where a beautiful garden surrounds the house.
Af: Vandag kom hulle almal bymekaar vir 'n somerbraai om die nuwe jaar en nuwe begin te vier.
En: Today, they all come together for a summer braai to celebrate the new year and new beginnings.
Af: In die tuin speel kinders op die gras en oumas deel ou stories terwyl die braaivleis oor die kole sis.
En: In the garden, children play on the grass, and grandmothers share old stories while the barbecue sizzles over the coals.
Af: Die reuk van geroosterde vleis vul die lug, en daar is 'n vrolike gelag oral.
En: The smell of roasted meat fills the air, and there is cheerful laughter everywhere.
Af: Anika kyk rond, neem 'n diep asem.
En: Anika looks around, takes a deep breath.
Af: Sy het groot nuus om te deel en is onseker oor hoe haar familie sal reageer.
En: She has big news to share and is unsure of how her family will react.
Af: "Johan," sê sy, terwyl sy na haar broer stap, "kan ek gou met jou praat?
En: "Johan," she says, stepping toward her brother, "can I talk to you quickly?"
Af: "Johan glimlag, sy gewoonte om tousaam te bring.
En: Johan smiles, his habit to always bring people together.
Af: "Natuurlik, Anika.
En: "Of course, Anika.
Af: Wat's aan die gang?
En: What's going on?"
Af: "Anika vertel hom van haar verlowing aan haar Nederlandse maat.
En: Anika tells him about her engagement to her Dutch partner.
Af: Sy soek sy ondersteuning, bang oor hoe Marnus kan reageer, want hy is so lief vir hul plaaslike tradisies.
En: She seeks his support, worried about how Marnus might react since he cherishes their local traditions so much.
Af: Johan knik bemoedigend.
En: Johan nods encouragingly.
Af: "Ek is bly vir jou, Anika.
En: "I'm happy for you, Anika.
Af: Moenie jou bekommer nie, ons sal saam werk om Marnus te oortuig.
En: Don't worry, we'll work together to convince Marnus."
Af: "Soos die aand vorder, speel die musiek, en liggies versier die tuin met 'n betowerende glans.
En: As the evening progresses, the music plays, and lights decorate the garden with an enchanting glow.
Af: Anika weet die oomblik het aangebreek.
En: Anika knows the moment has come.
Af: Sy en Johan roep die familie saam.
En: She and Johan call the family together.
Af: "Ek het iets om te deel, almal," begin Anika.
En: "I have something to share, everyone," Anika begins.
Af: "Ek is verloof!
En: "I'm engaged!"
Af: "Vir 'n oomblik is daar stilte.
En: For a moment, there is silence.
Af: Toe glimlag Johan breed en druk haar styf teen hom.
En: Then Johan beams and hugs her tightly.
Af: "Dis wonderlike nuus, Anika!
En: "That's wonderful news, Anika!"
Af: "Verbaas, maar opreg bly, neem Marnus 'n slukkie wyn en lig sy glas.
En: Surprised, but genuinely happy, Marnus takes a sip of wine and raises his glass.
Af: "Op nuwe begin," sê hy, met 'n ondeunde glimlag.
En: "To new beginnings," he says, with a mischievous smile.
Af: "En op liefde, ongeag waar jy dit vind.
En: "And to love, no matter where you find it."
Af: "Anika voel 'n golf van verligting en vreugde.
En: Anika feels a wave of relief and joy.
Af: Haar familie is haar anker.
En: Her family is her anchor.
Af: Hulle het haar pad die wêreld in geseën en haar terug verwelkom.
En: They have blessed her journey into the world and welcomed her back.
Af: Sy besef dat sy iewers tussen haar verlede en toekoms behoort.
En: She realizes that she belongs somewhere between her past and future.
Af: Terwyl sterre die hemel volmaak, staan sy nader aan Marnus.
En: As stars fill the sky, she stands closer to Marnus.
Af: "Dankie," fluister sy.
En: "Thank you," she whispers.
Af: Hy knik weer, sy oë vol begrip.
En: He nods again, his eyes full of understanding.
Af: "Technologie aanwendig tradisie nie, boetie," antwoord hy.
En: "Technology does not invalidate tradition, sister," he replies.
Af: "Deur liefde is ons almal verbind.
En: "Through love, we are all connected."
Af: "Die aand eindig met vrolike geselsies en die wete dat Anika ’n nuwe hoofstuk met seën kan begin.
En: The evening ends with cheerful conversations and the knowledge that Anika can begin a new chapter with blessings.
Af: Die grense tussen wêrelde is nie so groot soos sy gedink het nie, en die liefde van 'n familie ken geen perke nie.
En: The boundaries between worlds are not as big as she thought, and the love of a family knows no bounds.
Vocabulary Words:
- sets: sak
- mountains: berge
- surrounds: omring
- sizzles: sis
- coals: kole
- barbecue: braaivleis
- roasted: geroosterde
- laughter: gelag
- habits: gewoonte
- convince: oortuig
- decorates: versier
- enchanting: betowerende
- silence: stilte
- beams: glimlag
- mischievous: ondeunde
- anchor: anker
- journey: pad
- realizes: besef
- belong: behoort
- whispers: fluister
- invalidate: aanwendig
- connected: verbind
- conversations: geselsies
- boundaries: grense
- blessings: seën
- beginnings: begin
- support: ondersteuning
- encouragingly: bemoedigend
- understanding: begrip
- wine: wyn
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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