Mystery of Kaap Agulhas: The Forgotten Shipwreck Unveiled

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Mystery of Kaap Agulhas: The Forgotten Shipwreck Unveiled
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Mystery of Kaap Agulhas: The Forgotten Shipwreck Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Die son sak stadig oor...
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Story Transcript:
Af: Die son sak stadig oor die Kaap Agulhas, waar die Atlantiese en Indiese Oseane mekaar ontmoet.
En: The sun slowly sets over Kaap Agulhas, where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet.
Af: Die vuurtoring staan trots teen die helder lug.
En: The lighthouse stands proudly against the clear sky.
Af: Elmarie, die vuurtoringbewaarder, hou vanaf die balkon die deinserige horison dop.
En: Elmarie, the lighthouse keeper, watches the hazy horizon from the balcony.
Af: Sy het altyd 'n diep respek vir die see gehad en voel 'n groot verantwoordelikheid om skepe veilig te hou.
En: She has always had a deep respect for the sea and feels a great responsibility to keep ships safe.
Af: Die somerbriesie speel liggies met haar hare terwyl sy na die see tuur.
En: The summer breeze gently plays with her hair as she gazes out to sea.
Af: Skielik vang 'n flikkerende lig Elmarie se oog.
En: Suddenly, a flickering light catches Elmarie's eye.
Af: Dit kom van ver op die water.
En: It comes from far out on the water.
Af: Sy kyk weer.
En: She looks again.
Af: Geen skepe is egter in die omgewing nie.
En: However, there are no ships in the area.
Af: Die dorp se skedule wys dit duidelik.
En: The town's schedule clearly shows this.
Af: Dit moet iets anders wees.
En: It must be something else.
Af: Elmarie se verkyker is oud en effe geryp.
En: Elmarie's binoculars are old and slightly worn.
Af: Sy probeer die lig nader aan fokus, maar dis moeilik om duidelikheid te kry.
En: She tries to focus closer on the light, but it's difficult to get clarity.
Af: Die lig verdwyn en verskyn weer, asof dit met haar speel.
En: The light disappears and reappears, as if playing with her.
Af: Die dorpenaars lag weg haar bekommernisse af as net 'n spul nonsens.
En: The townspeople laugh off her concerns as just a bunch of nonsense.
Af: Tog bly sy vasbeslote.
En: Yet she remains determined.
Af: Sy moet weet wat dit is.
En: She must know what it is.
Af: Met 'n stewige hand verlaat sy die vuurtoring en stap na die kleine roei-bootjie hieronder.
En: With a steady hand, she leaves the lighthouse and walks to the small rowing boat below.
Af: Pieter en Mandla, plaaslike vissermanne en vriende van haar, is besig op die strand.
En: Pieter and Mandla, local fishermen and friends of hers, are busy on the beach.
Af: Hulle waarsku haar oor die gevaarlike waters by nag.
En: They warn her about the dangerous waters at night.
Af: Maar Elmarie se nuuskierigheid is reeds gewek.
En: But Elmarie's curiosity is already piqued.
Af: "Ek sal versigtig wees," beloof sy.
En: "I will be careful," she promises.
Af: Die water is donker en geduldig – 'n ou vriend wat nooit raai wat volgende kan gebeur nie.
En: The water is dark and patient—an old friend that never predicts what might happen next.
Af: Elmarie roei versigtig uit, die water spat liggies oor die boeg.
En: Elmarie rows carefully out, the water splashing lightly over the bow.
Af: Sy volg die onsigbare paadjie van die lig.
En: She follows the invisible path of the light.
Af: Toe, oorkant die rotse, sien sy iets merkwaardig.
En: Then, beyond the rocks, she sees something remarkable.
Af: Die lig is slegs 'n refleksie.
En: The light is merely a reflection.
Af: 'n Stukkie metaal, gebroke en vasgevang in 'n eeu oue skipwrak, vang die sonstrale net reg om die illusie te skep.
En: A piece of metal, broken and caught in a century-old shipwreck, captures the sun's rays just right to create the illusion.
Af: Elmarie vaar vinnig terug teen die stadig stampende see.
En: Elmarie quickly makes her way back against the slowly pounding sea.
Af: Sy weet haar ontdekking sal belangrik wees.
En: She knows her discovery will be significant.
Af: By die hawe aangekom, is Pieter en Mandla verbaas oor haar avontuur.
En: Upon arriving at the harbor, Pieter and Mandla are amazed at her adventure.
Af: "Jou nuus gaan die dorp laat praat, Elmarie," sê Pieter met 'n wye glimlag.
En: "Your news will get the town talking, Elmarie," says Pieter with a wide smile.
Af: Haar verhaal word vinnig opgetel deur die dorpenaars.
En: Her story quickly spreads among the townspeople.
Af: 'n Groep kom bymekaar om die geskiedenis van die verlore skip in te delf.
En: A group gathers to delve into the history of the lost ship.
Af: Historiese kenners neem die leiding en begin met bewaringspogings vir die wrak.
En: Historical experts take charge and begin conservation efforts for the wreck.
Af: Elmarie se naam weerklink deur die strate, en diegene wat voorheen skepties was, bied respek aan.
En: Elmarie's name echoes through the streets, and those who were previously skeptical now offer respect.
Af: Sy glimlag selfvoldaan.
En: She smiles with satisfaction.
Af: Haar instinkte was reg.
En: Her instincts were right.
Af: Die vuurtoring en sy bewaarder het 'n nuwe storie om te vertel.
En: The lighthouse and its keeper have a new story to tell.
Af: Elmarie het die asems van die see verstaan, en dit het haar beloon.
En: Elmarie understood the whispers of the sea, and it rewarded her.
Af: As die son terugtrek agter die horizon, weet sy dat haar werk hier meer betekenisvol geword het.
En: As the sun retreats behind the horizon, she knows her work here has become more meaningful.
Af: Dis 'n somer waarna sy altyd sal terugkyk.
En: It's a summer she will always look back on.
Vocabulary Words:
- sets: sak
- lighthouse: vuurtoring
- proudly: trots
- hazy: deinserige
- horizon: horison
- responsibility: verantwoordelikheid
- gazes: tuur
- flickering: flikkerende
- binoculars: verkyker
- worn: geryp
- clarity: duidelikheid
- concerns: bekommernisse
- determined: vasbeslote
- rowing boat: roei-bootjie
- warn: waarsku
- curiosity: nuuskierigheid
- patient: geduldig
- bow: boeg
- remarkable: merkwaardig
- reflection: refleksie
- shipwreck: skipwrak
- capture: vang
- illusion: illusie
- significant: belangrik
- amazed: verbaas
- delve: delf
- conservation: bewaringspogings
- skeptical: skepties
- echoes: weerklank
- instincts: instinkte
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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