
Mystery in the Bamboo Forest: A Panda Conservation Tale

3 nov 2024 · 13 min. 7 sec.
Mystery in the Bamboo Forest: A Panda Conservation Tale

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

10 min. 18 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Mystery in the Bamboo Forest: A Panda Conservation Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 在成都熊猫基地,秋天的叶子在微风中轻轻摇曳,空气中弥漫着清新的气息。 En: In...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Mystery in the Bamboo Forest: A Panda Conservation Tale
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 在成都熊猫基地,秋天的叶子在微风中轻轻摇曳,空气中弥漫着清新的气息。
En: In the Chengdu Panda Base, the autumn leaves sway gently in the breeze, and the air is filled with a fresh aroma.

Zh: 彩灯为即将到来的中秋节增添了节日氛围。
En: Colorful lanterns add a festive atmosphere to the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival.

Zh: 在这样的背景下,严峻的问题出现了——珍稀竹种突然失踪了,这影响了基地里熊猫的饮食。
En: Against this backdrop, a serious problem emerges—the rare bamboo species have suddenly disappeared, affecting the diet of the pandas at the base.

Zh: 小雨是一位年轻的植物学家,她全心投入到保护熊猫的工作中。
En: Xiaoyu is a young botanist who is wholeheartedly devoted to panda conservation work.

Zh: 随着竹子的失踪,小雨的压力倍增。
En: With the disappearance of the bamboo, Xiaoyu's pressure doubles.

Zh: 她希望通过找回竹子来调整熊猫的饮食,为即将到来的节日做好准备。
En: She hopes to recover the bamboo and adjust the pandas' diet in preparation for the upcoming festival.

Zh: 也想借此展示她工作的价值,以此向家人证明。
En: She also wants to demonstrate the value of her work to prove to her family.

Zh: 与此同时,她的好友梅琳也在忙着帮助,但繁重的工作让她感到不堪重负。
En: Meanwhile, her friend Meilin is also busy helping, but the heavy workload is overwhelming her.

Zh: 周是个神秘的访客,自称是一位研究竹子的学者。
En: Zhou is a mysterious visitor who claims to be a bamboo researcher.

Zh: 他频繁出现在基地,让小雨觉得有些不安。
En: His frequent appearances at the base make Xiaoyu feel uneasy.

Zh: 他的动机不明,大家心里都存有警惕。
En: His motives are unclear, and everyone is on guard.

Zh: 为了熊猫,小雨决定查明真相。
En: For the sake of the pandas, Xiaoyu decides to find out the truth.

Zh: 一天夜里,小雨悄悄跟随周,想要揭开他的真实意图。
En: One night, Xiaoyu quietly follows Zhou, intent on uncovering his true intentions.

Zh: 周带着工具,走进了竹林深处。
En: Zhou, carrying tools, walks deep into the bamboo forest.

Zh: “你在这里做什么?”小雨猛然出声,周停下脚步,面露惊讶。
En: "What are you doing here?" Xiaoyu suddenly speaks up, and Zhou stops in his tracks, looking surprised.

Zh: “我并不是要偷竹子,”周解释道。
En: "I'm not here to steal bamboo," Zhou explains.

Zh: “我发现这片竹子受到了虫害侵袭,我正试图保护它们。”
En: "I've discovered that this patch of bamboo is infested with pests, and I'm trying to protect it."

Zh: 小雨听后,脸上的紧张缓解了。
En: Hearing this, the tension on Xiaoyu's face eases.

Zh: 经过一番讨论,她意识到周的确在为竹子的安全而努力。
En: After a discussion, she realizes that Zhou is indeed working to ensure the safety of the bamboo.

Zh: 他们决定合作,共同对抗虫害。
En: They decide to collaborate to fight the pest infestation.

Zh: 经过努力,他们成功保存了剩余的竹子。
En: Through their efforts, they successfully saved the remaining bamboo.

Zh: 就在中秋节前,熊猫们重新享用了美味的竹子,基地恢复了热闹景象。
En: Just before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the pandas enjoyed the delicious bamboo once again, and the base returned to its bustling scene.

Zh: 小雨的心中充满了成就感,她意识到家人不仅仅期望自己的表现,而是她对工作的热爱和努力。
En: Xiaoyu felt a sense of achievement, realizing that her family doesn't just expect her performance but values her passion and dedication to her work.

Zh: 中秋佳节之夜,基地灯火辉煌,小雨站在竹林边,心中平静而欣喜。
En: On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the base is brilliantly lit, and Xiaoyu stands at the edge of the bamboo forest, feeling calm and joyful.

Zh: 她不再孤军奋战,而是懂得了协作的重要性。
En: She no longer fights alone but understands the importance of collaboration.

Zh: 对她来说,这个节日比以往更具意义。
En: For her, this festival is more meaningful than ever before.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sway: 摇曳
  • aroma: 气息
  • festive: 节日
  • backdrop: 背景
  • emerges: 出现
  • species: 种
  • disappeared: 失踪
  • conservation: 保护
  • infestation: 侵袭
  • collaborate: 合作
  • pest: 虫害
  • mysterious: 神秘
  • motives: 动机
  • intentions: 意图
  • realize: 意识到
  • discussion: 讨论
  • bustling: 热闹
  • achievement: 成就感
  • dedication: 努力
  • brilliantly: 辉煌
  • calm: 平静
  • overwhelming: 不堪重负
  • prove: 证明
  • intent: 展开
  • ensures: 确保
  • guard: 警惕
  • devoted: 全心投入
  • pressure: 压力
  • demonstrate: 展示
  • retain: 保存
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